Why, it's only a glass crystal!! It's -- it's just lit up inside, that's all.
New Fun Comics #1 is an issue of the series New Fun Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of February, 1935. It was published on January 11, 1935.
Synopsis for Jack Woods: "Don Nogales, Cattle Rustler, Part 1 (of 3)"
Riding along the Rio Grande at night, Jack Woods, a cowboy of the Old West, spies two men driving cattle. The two men, Don Nogales and his henchman Miguel, see Jack in turn, and Nogales sends Miguel to fetch him. Miguel flags Jack down, and, when Jack stops, pulls a gun on him. Nogales decides to bring Jack to his ranch in Mexico, and the three men arrive there just as dawn begins to break. As they reach Nogales' office, Jack quickly incapacitates Miguel with a wrestling throw, giving him the time to pull his own weapon. Turning his attention to Don Nogales, Jack does not see Miguel, still on the floor, pulling a knife and taking aim.
Appearing in Jack Woods: "Don Nogales, Cattle Rustler, Part 1 (of 3)"
Featured Characters:
- Jack Woods (First appearance)
- Don Nogales (First appearance)
- Miguel (First appearance)
- Earth-Two (First appearance)
- American Old West (First appearance) 1916
- Texas (First appearance)
- Rio Grande (First appearance)
- Mexico (First appearance)
- American Old West (First appearance) 1916
Synopsis for Sandra of the Secret Service: "The Gavonian Affair, Part 1 (of 13)"
Late for an appointment with her dressmaker, Sandra is surprised when a strange man, in a tuxedo and top hat, jumps into her car with her, pulls a gun, and instructs her chauffeur to drive to 614 Main. Another car speeds in pursuit, shooting at them, but Sandra and her mysterious passenger manage to escape, and he thanks her for her help, then leaves. Later, after Sandra has returned home, a distinguished looking foreign man pays a call, to tell Sandra just whom it was that she rescued, but their conversation is interrupted by a man with a gun!
Appearing in Sandra of the Secret Service: "The Gavonian Affair, Part 1 (of 13)"
Featured Characters:
- Sandra of the Secret Service (First appearance)
Supporting Characters:
- Lothar (not yet named) (First appearance)
- Reynolds (not yet named) (First appearance)
- Gavonian agent (First appearance)
Other Characters:
- James, Sandra's chauffeur (Single appearance)
- Haskins, Sandra's butler (Single appearance)
Synopsis for Oswald the Rabbit: "Slippery Ice"
Oswald's day of ice skating isn't going very well, as the poor rabbit keeps slipping on the ice. But with a bit of creative thinking, he makes a sled out of a "danger" sign, and has a much better time sledding.
Appearing in Oswald the Rabbit: "Slippery Ice"
Featured Characters:
- Oswald the Rabbit (First comic appearance)
Synopsis for "Jigger and Ginger"
Kip overhears Jigger making a date with Ginger. He arranges for his fraternity brothers, the Blue Devils, to ambush Jigger under the guise of "initiating" him into the fraternity. While the Blue Devils are off putting Jigger through various tests, Kip drives to Ginger's house and convinces her to take a ride with him. The Blue Devils leave Jigger on a road ten miles outside of town, saying that his last test is to make it back. Fortunately for Jigger, Kip takes the same road, and Ginger insists that Kip pick him up. Kip is forced to play chauffeur as Jigger and Ginger cuddle in the back seat.
Appearing in "Jigger and Ginger"
Featured Characters:
- Jigger (First appearance)
- Ginger (First appearance)
- Kip (First appearance)
Other Characters:
- Blue Devils (First appearance)
- Jigger's mother (Behind the scenes)
Synopsis for Barry O'Neill: "Fang Gow of China, Part 1 (of 35)"
Barry O'Neill responds to the summons of Inspector LeGrand of the French Sureté, and the two men discuss the menace of Fang-Gow. Meanwhile, Fang-Gow himself commands his minions to destroy O'Neill, and Ivan assigns the task to Fu-Yak. Working with an assistant, Fu-Yak plants a bomb in Barry's car, but a stroke of luck saves Barry from harm. That night, while Barry is on the phone with LeGrand, Fu-Yak climbs in his hotel room window....
Appearing in Barry O'Neill: "Fang Gow of China, Part 1 (of 35)"
Featured Characters:
- Barry O'Neill (First appearance)
Supporting Characters:
- Inspector Le Grand, French Secret Police (First appearance)
- Fang Gow (Behind the scenes)
- Fu-Yak (First appearance)
- Ivan (First appearance)
- O'Neill's car (Destroyed)
Synopsis for Magic Crystal of History: "Ancient Egypt, Part 1 (of 10)"
Caught in a violent thunderstorm, Bobby and Binks take refuge in an old, abandoned house. Inside the house, on a pedestal, is a glowing crystal ball. Bobby takes up the crystal, which suddenly begins to glow even more brightly, blinding the two children. The crystal begins to grow, and with a thunderous crash, Bobby and Binks find themselves transported back in time nearly 6000 years to ancient Egypt.
Appearing in Magic Crystal of History: "Ancient Egypt, Part 1 (of 10)"
Featured Characters:
- Magic Crystal of History (First appearance)
- Magic (First appearance)
- Time Travel (First appearance)
Synopsis for Wing Brady, Soldier of Fortune: "The Bedouins, Part 1 (of 17)"
While on lookout as their company makes camp, Foreign Legionnaires Wing Brady and his friend Slim see reflected light in the distance. Wing recognizes it as a coded distress call from Corporal Levun, another member of the company. Wing convinces the company captain to let him and Slim take the company's only airplane to rescue Corporal Levun and his men. The fliers soon arrive to find Levun and his men under attack by Bedouins. Wing and Slim strafe the Arabs, but return fire damages their motor to the point where the plane can no longer stay in the air. Wing and Slim begin to drop-- right toward the waiting Bedouins.
Appearing in Wing Brady, Soldier of Fortune: "The Bedouins, Part 1 (of 17)"
Featured Characters:
- Wing Brady (First appearance)
Supporting Characters:
- French Foreign Legion (First appearance)
- Slim (First appearance)
- Corporal Levun (First appearance)
- Bedouin marauders
- North Africa (First appearance)
- French open-cockpit scout monoplane
Synopsis for Ivanhoe: "Episode 1 (of 26)"
Wamba and Gurth, jester and swineherd respectively in the service of Cedric the Saxon, are returning to Cedric's castle at the end of the day. They encounter a band of horsemen led by Brian de Bois-Guilbert and his companion Prior Aymor (a Norman monk). They demand the way to Cedric's castle, but Wamba, because of the ongoing hostilities between Normans and Saxons, deliberately gives them the wrong directions. Now hopelessly lost, Brian and his company come upon a stranger asleep in the road (really a disguised Wilfred), who agrees to guide them to Cedric for the use of a horse. Cedric loves Normans no more than does his jester, but politely receives them and orders a feast prepared. Wamba suddenly enters and informs Cedric that one of his dogs has been deliberately crippled. Cedric becomes angry and vows to punish the perpetrator. As the guests are being seated for dinner, a major-domo announces the entrance of the Lady Rowena.
Appearing in Ivanhoe: "Episode 1 (of 26)"
Featured Characters:
- Wilfred of Ivanhoe (First appearance)
Supporting Characters:
- Cedric the Saxon (First appearance)
- Gurth the swineherd (First appearance)
- Wamba the jester (First appearance)
- Brian de Bois-Guilbert (First appearance)
- Prior Aymor (First appearance)
- Middle Ages (First appearance)
- 12th Century (First appearance)
- England (First appearance)
- England (First appearance)
- 12th Century (First appearance)
Synopsis for Judge Perkins: "Jasper"
Re-elected to his third term, Judge Perkins sets out on his circuit. But when an altercation with a belligerent goat sends the judge tumbling into the lake, it's Jasper to the rescue!
Appearing in Judge Perkins: "Jasper"
Featured Characters:
- Judge Perkins (First appearance)
Supporting Characters:
- Jasper (not yet named) (First appearance)
- Doodleville (First appearance)
Synopsis for Don Drake on the Planet Saro: "The Midget Men of Saro, Part 1 (of 4)"
An accident sends Don and Betty's gondola hurtling out of Earth's orbit and into deep space. After a rough landing on a distant planet, Don and Betty put on oxygen masks and go out to explore. Don takes an environmental reading and discovers the air is breathable. They soon encounter the Midget Men, who quickly capture the pair of Earthlings--but the Midget Men are in turn attacked by two bandar, while Don and Betty remain helpless in the Midget Men's nets!
Appearing in Don Drake on the Planet Saro: "The Midget Men of Saro, Part 1 (of 4)"
Featured Characters:
- Don Drake (First appearance)
Supporting Characters:
- Betty (First appearance)
- Midget Men of Saro (First appearance)
- Planet Saro (First appearance)
- Stratosphere, Don and Betty's gondola (not yet named) (First appearance)
Synopsis for Loco Luke: "Out West, Part 1 (of 4)"
Loco Luke has two problems: an uncooperative horse, and how to catch Black Dan to collect a $5000 reward. Unfortunately, one of those problems catches up with him when Black Dan ambushes him. The outlaw divests Luke of everything but his underwear, and leaves him stranded in the middle of the desert. Luke starts to make his way back to town, unaware that he has acquired a shadow...
Appearing in Loco Luke: "Out West, Part 1 (of 4)"
Featured Characters:
- Loco Luke (First appearance)
Supporting Characters:
- Turkey Tail (not yet named) (First appearance)
- Black Dan (First appearance)
Synopsis for "Scrub Hardy"
Scrub decides to impress Letty and try out for the basketball team. Looking to embarrass Scrub in front of Letty, Cookie gets his buddies to give Scrub a good working-over, culminating in Spike using Scrub for the ball! But Cookie's plan backfires when Letty comes to Scrub's rescue.
Appearing in "Scrub Hardy"
Featured Characters:
- Scrub Hardy (First appearance)
Supporting Characters:
- Letty (Single appearance)
Other Characters:
- Basketball players
- Cookie Botts (First appearance)
- Spike (Single appearance)
- Coach (Single appearance)
Synopsis for Jack Andrews: "The Mysterious Stranger, Part 1 (of 4)"
With his football team down 7-0 at halftime, Jack tries to rally the troops. But as the team is ready to take the field, a stranger approaches Jack and offers him two hundred dollars to throw the game. Jack decks the stranger and leads the team to a touchdown. However, as the kicker tries the extra point, the ball suddenly veers in mid-air. Jack eventually scores another touchdown, giving his side the win, but when his coach asks him why he didn't throw any forward passes, Jack reveals his suspicion that someone was shooting at the ball, and he's going to find out who it was!
Appearing in Jack Andrews: "The Mysterious Stranger, Part 1 (of 4)"
Featured Characters:
- Jack Andrews (First appearance)
Supporting Characters:
- Coach Muller (not yet named) (First appearance)
- Stranger (First appearance)
Other Characters:
- Football players
- Bill (Single appearance)
- Announcer (Single appearance)
Synopsis for Cap'n Erik: "The Sealing Expedition, Part 1 (of 2)"
Cap'n Erik's crewman reports that the ship is ready to sail in the morning, and the captain warns him to keep their destination, Kilitook Island, a secret. But Butch Ramsen, a rival captain, overhears the conversation, and sends two of his henchmen to sabotage Cap'n Erik's ship. The miscreants cut the ship loose from its moorings, sending it floating across the harbor to crash into another ship. The next morning, Cap'n Erik watches Ramsen sail out of the harbor, the other man's taunts in his ears, and vows to beat Ramsen to Kilitook Island.
Appearing in Cap'n Erik: "The Sealing Expedition, Part 1 (of 2)"
Featured Characters:
- Cap'n Erik (First appearance)
- Butch Ramsen (Single appearance)
- Spike (Single appearance)
- Chuck (Single appearance)
- Kilitook Island (Mentioned only)
- Viking, Erik's sailing ship (not yet named) (First appearance)
Synopsis for Buckskin Jim, the Trail Blazer: "The Indian Ambush, Part 1 (of 7)"
Buckskin Jim Kenyon arrives in New Orleans to join a wagon train to California, but finds that the train has left without him. Attempting to catch up, he is sidetracked by a cry for help. Finding an old man (Trapper Pete) and his horse (Blackie) trapped in quicksand, Jim quickly tosses Pete a rope and pulls him to safety. The two men then team up to rescue the horse. In gratitude, Pete offers Jim a ride to catch the wagon train. On the way, however, Jim spots smoke, which Pete identifies as Native American smoke signals. Interpreting them to mean that the Native Americans plan to attack the wagon train at dawn, Pete, with Jim still riding pillion behind him, attempts to head the train off, but he and Jim and spotted by the Native Americans. Pete slides off Blackie and tells Jim to run for it, but Jim refuses to abandon him, and the two men prepare to fend off the Indian attack.
Appearing in Buckskin Jim, the Trail Blazer: "The Indian Ambush, Part 1 (of 7)"
Featured Characters:
- Buckskin Jim (First appearance)
Supporting Characters:
- Trapper Pete (not yet named) (First appearance)
- Blackie (First appearance)
- Native Americans (named Indians here) (First appearance)
- American Old West
- Louisiana (First appearance)
- New Orleans (First appearance)
- Texas
- Louisiana (First appearance)
- Late 1840s
Synopsis for "After School"
Lefty tries to get his infant uncle Wilbur into the club, but Slimsy insists that the baby be tested before letting him as mascot. During the test, however, Slimsy and Lefty get into an increasingly-noisy argument, which ends abruptly when Old Man Spinks, the meanest man in the neighborhood, beans Slimsy with a shoe from his apartment window. Lefty and Slimsy take to their heels--but Lefty suddenly realizes that he's forgotten something...
Appearing in "After School"
Featured Characters:
- Lefty Peters (First appearance)
- Slimsy Simpkins (First appearance)
Supporting Characters:
- Uncle Wilbur (First appearance)
- Old Man Spinks (First appearance)
Synopsis for "Caveman Capers"
Wandering around after dark, Ur the caveboy sees lightning strike--and discovers fire. Excited by his new discovery, he brings a burning branch home to his family, but inadvertently leads a hungry dinosaur to them as well!
Appearing in "Caveman Capers"
Featured Characters:
- Ur (First appearance)
- Wur (First appearance)
Supporting Characters:
- Ur and Wur's family (Single appearance)
- Dinosaur (First appearance)
- Prehistoric Era (First appearance)
Synopsis for Fun Films: "Tad Among the Pirates, Part 1 (of 3)"
In early 18th century New York City, Tad leaves his house to play. Encountering pirates, he follows them to their ship and sneaks aboard. But his curiosity gets him into trouble when he accidentally falls into the ship's hold.
Appearing in Fun Films: "Tad Among the Pirates, Part 1 (of 3)"
Featured Characters:
- Tad (First appearance)
- Pirates
- New York City (First appearance) 1735 (First appearance)
Synopsis for "Bubby and Beevil"
Bubby is a humble good-natured happy-go-lucky gnome-like creature with clattering wooden shoes and a big pointed hat who likes doing good deeds. Beevil is a mischievous gloomy bogie who likes to thwart Bubby's plans for doing good deeds. One happy morning, Bubby wakes up and does some stretching before leaving to find someone do good. The mischievous Beevil gets out from under the tree he calls home and follows Bubby to see what he's up to. Bubby stops and sees a boy named Jacky doing errands for his mother. After finishing his errands, Jacky's mother tells him to go to his room and do his homework. Jacky, however, is very tired and goes to sleep on his desk before he even starts! The good-natured Bubby sneaks through the window inside his room and does his schoolwork for him as Jacky sleeps. Beevil, watching Bubby do a good deed in disdain, sneaks into the room and hides behind the desk. When Bubby is finished with the boy's homework, he places it on the desk and climbs out the window. Beevil gets up and spills ink all over Jacky's homework and desk, much to Bubby's dismay...
Appearing in "Bubby and Beevil"
Featured Characters:
- Bubby (First appearance)
- Beevil (First appearance)
Other Characters:
- Jacky (Single appearance)
- Jacky's mother (Single appearance)
Synopsis for "Pelion and Ossa"
Pelion, an adventurous penguin, and Ossa, its timid bear friend, go sleigh-riding. Their plans go awry when they inadvertently fall off a cliff, throwing Ossa into a freezing lake and destroying their sled. Ossa spots a house in the distance and they both decide to go there; Ossa, hoping to warm up and dry off, and Pelion, hoping to fix their sled. Upon arrival, Pelion prompts Ossa to ring the bell, but the door opens by itself. Venturing into the seemingly empty house, Ossa finds a fireplace to stand next to, while Pelion, looking through the window, sees a mysterious figure flying towards the house.
Appearing in "Pelion and Ossa"
Featured Characters:
- Arctic (First appearance)
- North Pole (First appearance)
- North Pole (First appearance)
Synopsis for 2023 Super Police: "Captain Kiddlaw, Part 1 (of 12)"
Rex Cosmos, officer of the Super-Police, pays a visit to Professor Shanley's airport laboratory to test Shanley's new vehicle, the Hi-Lo, a craft that can travel both in the air and underwater. Cosmos intends to take the craft to the Galapagos Islands to investigate the disappearances of five American ships. Shanley's assistant telephones Shanley's daughter Joan and informs her of the impending flight. Joan rushes to the airport, and, in her haste to catch the Hi-Lo, neglects to pay her cab fare. As the Hi-Lo takes off, Joan grabs hold of a wing just as the cab driver (Axel Yoke) grabs hold of her. Both are pulled into the air with the Hi-Lo, but Joan's arms soon grow tired and she loses her grip. Inside the Hi-Lo, Rex takes the controls and deftly maneuvers the craft underneath Joan and Axel, catching them in mid-air. With Joan and Axel safe, the Hi-Lo receives a distress call, via photo-light wave, from the S.S. Trent, which is sinking, near the Galapagos Islands. Rex and his crew set the cosmic ray to full on, and the Super Police Hi-Lo craft races to the scene of the emergency!
Appearing in 2023 Super Police: "Captain Kiddlaw, Part 1 (of 12)"
Featured Characters:
- Rex Cosmos (First appearance)
Supporting Characters:
- Super Police
- Professor Shanley (First appearance)
- Joan Shanley (First appearance)
- Brut von Henig (not yet named) (First appearance)
- Axel Yoke (not yet named) (First appearance)
- 2023 (First appearance)
- Super Police HQ (Single appearance)
- South America (First appearance)
- Ecuador (First appearance)
- Galapagos Islands (On a TV or computer screen)
- Ecuador (First appearance)
- Photo-Light Wave (First appearance)
- Hi-Lo (First appearance)
- S.S. Trent (On a TV or computer screen)
- Five U.S. Ships (Mentioned only) (Vanished)
Synopsis for "Tom Mix -- and his Ralston Straight Shooters"
Jimmy and Jane pass by the window of Tom Mix's ranch where they overhear Spooky Farrow and his band of smugglers talk about their plans to capture and kill Tom Mix that night so they could smuggle a load over the border without interference. They plan to hide in his ranch and shoot him when arrives. Armed with this information, Jimmy and Jane get on their horses and ride to town to try to alert Tom Mix. When they arrive, the townspeople tell them that Tom already left for his ranch with a wrangler. As they double back, they see they are seconds too late as Tom is about to enter his house. Thinking fast, Jimmy attaches a warning note to his Zyp Gun and shoots! The arrow lands on the front door just as Tom had his hand on the latch. Tom Mix reads the note, in which Jimmy had quickly scribbled "Smugglers inside Danger! Jimmy" Tom Mix yells to Jimmy and Jane to get troops from Fort Custer to come. Tom and the wrangler then secure the ranch and make the smugglers raise their hands in the air. As the troops arrive, one of them thanks Tom and informs him that they've been pursuing the smugglers for years. Tom says that Jimmy and Jane deserve the credit. The wrangler chuckles and says that after this every guy and girl will want a Zyp Gun.
Appearing in "Tom Mix -- and his Ralston Straight Shooters"
Featured Characters:
- Tom Mix (First appearance)
Supporting Characters:
- Jimmy (First appearance)
- Jane (First appearance)
- Band of smugglers
- Spooky Farrow (Single appearance)
Other Characters:
- Troops of Fort Custer
- Zyp Gun (Single appearance)
- Reprinted partially in Big Book of Fun Comics #1 (1935) and in its entirety in Famous First Edition #C-63 (2020).
- This issue is generally regarded as the very first DC Comic.
- It was published by National Allied Publications.
- No feature in this issue is more than one page long.
- Oswald the Rabbit, by John Lindermayer, ran along the bottom 1/6th of the pages of the "Sandra of the Secret Service", "Jigger and Ginger", "Barry O'Neil", "Magic Crystal of History", "Wing Brady" and "Ivanhoe" stories.
- Barry O'Neill: In "Fang Gow of China Part 1", Le Grand's name is spelled "Legrande". The more common spelling, "Le Grand", was first used in New Fun Comics #5. His title "Inspector" was first used in More Fun Comics #10.
- The Ivanhoe episode covers the first four chapters of the Walter Scott novel.
- Don Drake: On Saro, a bandar was a rhino-like animal, about the size of a locomotive.
- Although the comic story Bubby and Beevil sets up a cliffhanger, a new storyline debuts next issue.
- In the 2023 Super Police story, 2023 was considered the future when this issue was published.
- The story Tom Mix -and his Ralston Straight Shooters is actually an advertisement for the Ralston Purina Company. If you had bought a Ralston cereal package and sent the top of the package by mail, you would have received a Zyp Gun.
- Tom Mix is a real life actor and Hollywood's first cowboy movie star; he would later receive his own title with Fawcett Comics, under Tom Mix Western, in 1948.
- Also appearing in this issue of New Fun Comics were:
- "Spook Ranch" (text story) by Roger Furlong
- "Bathysphere" (text article)
- "Sports" (text article) by Joe Archibald
- "On the Radio" (text article)
- "In the Movies" (text article)
- "Model Aircraft" (model design)
- "Aviation" (text article)
- "Henrik Hudson's Half Moon" (model design)
- "Popular Science" (text article)
- "Stamps and Coins" (text article)
- "Young Homemakers" (text article)
- "Oswald the Rabbit" was originally created by Walt Disney and Ub Iwerks. Universal Pictures commissioned Oswald's creation and owned Oswald at the time of this comic's publication.
- Henry Kiefer signs his Wing Brady story as "de Kerosett", his wife's maiden name.
- The text article In the Movies reveals that the character Jack Woods is based on the hero of the same name from the Universal Pictures serial "Rustlers of Red Gap".
- "Rustlers of Red Gap" was released the same month as this issue under the final title Rustlers of Red Dog.
See Also
Recommended Reading
Links and References
- Read The Gavonian Affair, Part 1 online.