This hardcover is the third collection to reprint all Teen Titans stories from the issues of New Teen Titans and Tales of the New Teen Titans, in chronological order. This third collection reprints stories from March, 1982 to September, 1982.
This hardcover collects stories from the following comic books:
- New Teen Titans #17 (The Possessing of Frances Kane!)
- New Teen Titans #18 (A Pretty Girls is Like a - Maladi?)
- New Teen Titans #19 (The Light Fantastic)
- New Teen Titans #20 (Dear Mom and Dad and A Titanic Tale of Titans' Tomfoolery!)
- Tales of the New Teen Titans #1 (Cyborg)
- Tales of the New Teen Titans #2 (Raven)
- Tales of the New Teen Titans #3 (The Changeling)
- Tales of the New Teen Titans #4 (Starfire)