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"Big Guns": Torque is wreaking havoc around the Bludhaven Justice Center thanks to a very powerful weapon given to him by Intergang. No policemen are able to get closer, but when SWAT commander Darren Michaelmas looks for volunteers for a full court press, [

Nightwing (Volume 2) #50 is an issue of the series Nightwing (Volume 2) with a cover date of December, 2000. It was published on October 11, 2000.

Synopsis for "Big Guns"

Torque is wreaking havoc around the Bludhaven Justice Center thanks to a very powerful weapon given to him by Intergang. No policemen are able to get closer, but when SWAT commander Darren Michaelmas looks for volunteers for a full court press, Dick Grayson is the first to answer the call. Amy Rohrbach who is Dick's field training officer is irate about his decision because she thinks it is suicide.

Meanwhile, Blockbuster wakes up from his coma after doctors besides him just talked about the recent death of his mother. At least the heart transplantation went smoothly, but the recent actions of Soames may present a new problem to his business.

Detective Phil Addad is at the estate of Mr. Drexel where the corpse of Sylph is about to be recovered hanging from the balcony. But the female killer fooled both Nightwing and the police because there is just the special fabric mimicking a body while Sylph actually disappeared.

At the Justice Center, Dick has separated himself from the other officers and puts on his Nightwing costume. He finds Torque and a chaotic fight breaks out. The secretary Ms. Goodley tries to gun Soames down but gets roasted instead. Michaelmas mistakes her body for that of Dick Grayson. Soames then pushes his captive Mac Arnot out of the window, and despite the latter's corrupt nature, Nightwing naturally saves him. At this point Torque's special gun overheats just as he is taken out by the SWAT commander. Just as Sgt. Rohrbach shed a tear because Dick Grayson obviously died inside the Justice Center, Grayson turns up alive and well. Michaelmas is very confused and makes it clear to Grayson that he will keep an observing eye on him in the future.

In the Lockhaven Penitentiary, Torque not only meets Amygdala who is one of the guards, but also his cellmate ... Tad Ryerstad.

Appearing in "Big Guns"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:


  • Bludhaven
    • Justice Center
    • Drexel's House
    • Lockhaven Penitentiary



See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
