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Nightwing (Volume 4) #113 is an issue of the series Nightwing (Volume 4) with a cover date of June, 2024. It was published on April 16, 2024.
Synopsis for the 1st Story
At 5AM on Nightwing's birthday, he and the two Robins foil an illegal arms shipment into Gotham Docks. They interrogate the captain of the ship and he tells them that he doesn't know who the weapons are for, but they are bound for a warehouse in Bludhaven. He also reveals that they have to go through Gotham because illegal shipments can't get into Bludhaven.
That evening, Dick takes his new speedboat out and approaches Bea Bennet's fishing boat which is anchored offshore. He jumps out before the boat is spotted and swims to the boat, slipping on board. He asks Bea if they have been blocking illegal shipments into Bludhaven and she says they have, but when he asks her if she knows who they are going to she leads him into the ship's hold. She shows him a body they fished out of the water who has an anatomical diagram of a heart branded on his chest. Nightwing immediately realises that Heartless is responsible.
Nightwing heads to the warehouse where the guns were bound and finds it empty, with Heartless' new symbol painted on one of the walls. He notices cameras pointed at him and tells Heartless that he is ready if Heartless is preparing for war.
Dick then goes to Bludhaven City Hall in civilian attire, where he meets back up with Damian and Tim. He tells them that the guns Heartless was trying to bring in were enough to equip an army, a major escalation from Heartless' usual MO as a serial killer. Barbara arrives and they go inside, where Melinda presents Dick and Barbara with the keys to the city in recognition for the good work the Alfred Pennyworth Foundation has done. Heartless, who has swapped out his black trenchcoat for a white suit, watches the ceremony on TV along with Gerald and Tony Zucco. He says that the city loves Dick Grayson and it is time for him to fall.
Appearing in the 1st Story
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Bat-Family
- Crew of the Crossed Keys
- Captain Blüd (Bea Bennett)
- Sam (Single appearance)
- Haley
- Jim Gordon
- Marv
- Melinda Grayson-Lin
- Doctor Hate (Impersonates Raven) (Cameo)
- Heartless
- "Gerald Chamberlain" (Cameo)
- Tony Zucco (Cameo)
- Unnamed arms smugglers (Single appearance)
Other Characters:
- Birds of Prey (Cameo)
- Big Barda (Cameo)
- Black Canary (Dinah Drake II) (Cameo)
- Meridian/Mia Mizoguchi (Unknown Future) (Cameo)
- Sin Lance (Cameo)
- Vixen (Mari McCabe) (Cameo)
- Zealot (Cameo)
- George (Deceased) (In a photograph only) (Cameo)
- Imps (Fifth Dimension)
- Bat-Mite (Cameo)
- Nite-Mite (Dyxl) (Cameo)
- Kent Family (Cameo)
- Clark Kent (Cameo)
- Jay Nakamura (Cameo)
- Jon Kent (Cameo)
- Lois Lane (Cameo)
- Titans (Cameo)
- Beast Boy (Cameo)
- Cyborg (Cameo)
- Donna Troy (Cameo)
- Starfire (Cameo)
- Alfred Pennyworth (Deceased) (Mentioned only)
- Black Mask (Mentioned only)
- Gotham City Police Department (Mentioned only)
- Haly's Circus (Mentioned only)
- Two-Face (Mentioned only)
- Earth 0
- United States of America
- Bludhaven
- Bludhaven City Hall
- Marv & George's Pizza
- Titans Tower
- Gotham City
- Birds of Prey Base (Cameo)
- Gotham Harbor
- Metropolis (Cameo)
- 3822 West Main (Cameo)
- Kent Home (Cameo)
- 3822 West Main (Cameo)
- Bludhaven
- Bialya (Mentioned only)
- International Waters (Mentioned only)
- United States of America
- Fifth Dimension (Cameo)
- Batarang
- Batropes
- Bat-Mite's Suit
- Bludhaven Key (First appearance)
- Bracelets of Submission (Cameo)
- Meridian's Suit (Cameo)
- Robin's Battle Staff
- Utility Belts
- Boatwing (First appearance)
- The Hold's Fishing Boat
- Wingcycle
Synopsis for "00:01"
Nightwing jumps onto a speeding subway train which has been hijacked by a gang of mimes. He finds a bomb which they placed in the driver's car and manages to disarm it with only a second to go before it detonates.
Appearing in "00:01"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Unnamed mime gang (First appearance)
Other Characters:
- Subway Train
- The issue carries the legacy numbering of Nightwing #300.
- The second story contains no dialogue.
- Marv, the owner of "Marv & George's Pizza", is clearly modeled after comic book writer Marv Wolfman, one of the creators of the Dick Grayson version of Nightwing and who co-wrote this issue. His deceased business partner George, who makes a cameo in a picture, is likewise a reference to the late George Pérez, the other co-creator of Nightwing.
- In the first story, Nightwing wears a T-shirt with an image of himself slapping Batman, a reference to the notorious panel from World's Finest #153.
See Also