DC Database

Quote1 I just can't keep things bottled up any longer. Maybe it's okay to lose it every now and then. Maybe it's okay to let a little darkness in... After all... I am my mother's daughter. Quote2
Olive Silverlock src

Olive Silverlock was a student at Gotham Academy, attending the wealthy school on a grant provided by Bruce Wayne. Her quiet, withdrawn demeanor hides a deeply angry young woman struggling to heal from a traumatic event.

Early Years

Bruce Wayne enrolled Olive in Gotham Academy so she could be monitored while still being around other children. During the summer of her freshman year, she had a traumatic experience that required intervention by Batman. She turned to reading and journaling, finding particular solace in a book about Millie Jane Cobblepot, an outcast of the wealthy Cobblepot crime family that resided in 19th-century Gotham. Despite her boyfriend Kyle's kindness and her best-friendship with Kyle's younger sister "Maps", Olive continued to become reclusive, absorbed in darker thoughts and acting out in ways that surprised even herself.[1]

The Ghost of Gotham Academy

Gotham Academy Vol 1 1 Textless

Olive and Maps exploring the school.

When Maps was enrolled in the academy, Olive was assigned as her campus guide. The two investigated reports of ghost on campus, joining forces with Pomeline Fritch, a haughty bully of Olive's with an interest in the occult, and Colton Rivera, a delinquent with lock-picking skills. Olive and Pomeline believed the ghost to be the spirit of Millie Jane, whom Pomeline had tried to summon with a spell. However, the group discovered that the "ghostly" eyes seen within the school were Killer Croc's, a friend of Olive's mother who had escaped Arkham Asylum.[2][3] Recognizing Olive's similarity to her mother, Croc befriended her and spoke of his experiences as they hid in the school's secret, centuries-old underground tunnels that connected the asylum to the academy. When Batman finally caught on his trail, Croc was forced to flee.

Olive decided to join Maps' secret Detective Club along with the group and her older brother in order to formally investigate the connection between the asylum and the school. Not long afterwards, one of their leads was covertly stolen by Robin, who also enrolled in the Academy as a civilian.[4] During this time, Olive also developed a connection with Tristan Grey, a student infected with the Langstrom virus.[2]

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Descent into Calamity

Gotham Academy Second Semester Vol 1 9 Textless

A friendship under threat.

Over the holidays, Olive became increasingly cold and aloof. Her friends eventually uncovered too late that Olive's deteriorating behavior was due to the presence of the burned witch Amity Arkham's soul within her. Amity was the original Calamity and Olive's ancestor, whose possessions plagued her descendants (including Olive's mother) and coerced them into becoming Calamity against their will.[5][6]

Olive's fear and confusion accidentally caused her to become Calamity on a rampage against the descendants of those who burned Amity at the stake. The club's attempt to exhume her remains for an exorcism spell were thwarted by the "Terrible Trio", the school's hostile, centuries-old secret society lead by Amanda Lydecker, descendant of the architect behind Arkham Asylum and the Academy. Lydecker revealed that the group protected Amity because her ancestor believed her destruction of the city will cleanse it; to this end, he designed both facilities in such a manner as to protect her existence.[7]

Maps renounced her friendship with Olive after Kyle was severely injured by Calamity's hand, furious that Olive allowed it to happen. Damian, as Robin, implored her not to give up on her friend and gave her a Robin mask as she set out to end things once and for all.[8] As Colton and Pomeline completed the spell, Maps confronted Calamity and convinced Olive that she was a good person and distinct from Calamity. Emboldened by Maps' faith, Olive fought back long enough for Amity to be sealed back into the Book. With Olive finally freed from Amity's torment, the group happily reunited and with time, their lives went back to relative normalcy.[9] Sometime later, Olive hastily left the school for undisclosed reasons and was not allowed to take any of her belongings, which took an emotional toll on Maps as she prepared to begin her sophomore year without her best friend.[10]



  • Olive's best friend is Maps Mizoguchi.
  • As a Silverlock, Olive is a distant relative to many infamous Arkham family members, such as the Arkham Knight.


