The Ophidians were a race of snake-like creatures who traveled through space to fulfill their "Manifest Destiny to purify the cosmos" by extinguishing other species in the universe.
Manifest Destiny
On two occasions in their sordid past they had been nearly annihilated by alien invaders, afterward dedicating themselves to eradicating all other life in the universe to ensure their pseudo-religious quest would never again be in harm's way. The Ophidians would entrance their victims before causing them to fight amongst themselves all the way to extinction. During one of their invasions, they confronted the resistance of Lanterns Guy Gardner and Boodikka. Guy, who used Sinestro's power ring at the time, was immune to the Ophidians' control, and he freed Boodikka to fight the invaders. Together, they combined their minds and resisted their mind control during their chase. When they reached the ship, it exploded. Whether this was a result of feedback from the two fighting off the mind control, or self destruction, is unknown. The pair now had no way to find the Ophidians' homeworld.[1]
DC Animated Universe
In DCAU continuity, the Ophidians are a race of snake men who once ruled the Earth as dominant species over men until they were defeated in a long war.
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Powers and Abilities
- Magic: Some Ophidians have extensive knowledge of magic to be able to curse the black diamond for thousands of years.
- Hand-to-Hand Combat (Basic): Ophidians are trained for fighting, living in primitive times. However, their fighting skills were no match for the primitive humans, having lost their long war.
The Ophidians were vulnerable to light
See Also
- Appearances of Ophidians
- Race Gallery: Ophidians
- Images of Ophidians