DC Database

"Boobytrap Mascot": Near Calais, a young French boy named Andre Lune leads Sgt. Rock to a huge German gun hidden inside a mountain. Rock destroys the gun, enabling Canadian commandos to attempt an amphibious landing. This event, known as the Dieppe Raid, was a dry-run to test the feasibility of

Our Army at War #154 is an issue of the series Our Army at War (Volume 1) with a cover date of May, 1965.

Synopsis for "Boobytrap Mascot"

Near Calais, a young French boy named Andre Lune leads Sgt. Rock to a huge German gun hidden inside a mountain. Rock destroys the gun, enabling Canadian commandos to attempt an amphibious landing. This event, known as the Dieppe Raid, was a dry-run to test the feasibility of an invasion of France. Two years later, on D-Day, the boy greets Rock on the beaches of Normandy.

Appearing in "Boobytrap Mascot"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Andre Lune (Single appearance)


Other Characters:

  • Andre Lune (Flashback only) (Deceased)
  • Corporal Pierre Lune (Dies in flashback)
  • Sergeant Marcel Lune (Dies in flashback)



  • several German panzers (Destroyed)
  • German plane (Destroyed)
  • several U.S. LCI's (some destroyed)
  • USN 2, U.S. Submarine

Synopsis for "Slowpoke SPAD"

During World War I, an American pilot named Mike Mason is humiliated because he never shoots down any enemy planes. One day, he lies to his commanding officer and says he shot down five Germans. However, he knows his lie will be exposed when the intelligence officers are unable to confirm the kills. The next day, Mason is sent on a solo mission, and he manages to shoot down two zeppelins and three planes. His dreamed-up tale has become a reality.

Appearing in "Slowpoke SPAD"


  • Mike Mason, U.S. pilot



  • SPAD
  • German Zeppelins
  • German Fighters


See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References

Superboy Vol 4 69
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