Our Fighting Forces #108 is an issue of the series Our Fighting Forces (Volume 1) with a cover date of August, 1967.
Synopsis for Lt. Hunter's Hellcats: "Kill the Wolf Pack"
The Hellcats are transferred to England to help prepare for the Allied invasion of France. Their mission is to destroy the German's impenetrable submarine pens on the French coast in order to cripple the U-boats from threatening Allied ships on the English Channel during the invasion. To do so, the Hellcats are sent out into the English Channel in a fishing boat with a secret double hull which is packed full of high explosive, and they are to be capture so that they and the boat will be taken back to the submarine pens. Once there, Hunter will activate the timer and the Hellcats have two hours to find a way out before the explosives detonate.
Once out on the channel under the cover of night, the Hellcats soon caught the attention of the Germans and their ship's rudder is hit. A German boarding party is dispatch to the ship and the Hellcats put up a fight until they are finally subdue and capture. The Germans lugged the fishing ship to the submarine pens as planned and prompting Hunter to discreetly activate the timer. The Germans under the command of Major Von Kramm, who is in charge of the submarine pens, search the ship but failed to find the explosives. Unsatisfied, Von Kramm orders his men to continue searching and have the Hellcats marched off the ship. After they are taken into a nearby town, the explosives went off and destroying the U-boats. The explosion grant the Hellcats the opportunity to overpower their stunned guards and make their getaway on a hijacked command car. A furious Von Kramm orders his soldiers to kill the Hellcats.
The Hellcats could not make it far on their car as a German plane spotted them, forcing them to abandon their ride and flee into the woods for the rendezvous point. By luck, they ambush a lone tank and commandeer it. They continue their escape by avoid using the roads that are guarded by German roadblocks and grind their way through a field. Unfortunately, a German anti-tank rocket launcher manage to hit and disable the tank. The Hellcats are once again force to run on foot until they take shelter in an unoccupied farmhouse. After resting, Hunter decide to have the Hellcats reach the rendezvous point by sneaking out of their hiding spot one at a time. Once the Hellcats reach the rendezvous point, they will light a bonfire so that a pickup plane will extract them. Hunter volunteer to stay behind to ensure everyone are gone and orders his men to leave without him if he doesn't make it.
The Hellcats reach the landing field and light the signal. Unknown to them, Major Von Kramm and his men have figured out their escape plan and have hidden nearby, waiting to open fire on the Hellcats once the plane lands. Hunter soon left the house and spotted the Germans. He takes out one of the machine gunners and turning his gun on the other machine gun posts. The Hellcats are alerted to the gunfire and they thwart Von Kramm's ambush. After taking out the ambush, Hunter runs for the plane. But Von Kramm, who remained hidden from the gunfight, tackles Hunter and engage him in a fight. The major goes for another charge at Hunter, but only for Hunter to quickly duck and Von Kramm flies fatally into the plane's propeller. Hunter quickly board the departing plane with Brute pulling him up just as German reinforcements arrive. The Hellcats have successfully escaped with their lives from a suicide mission.
Appearing in Lt. Hunter's Hellcats: "Kill the Wolf Pack"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Nazis
- Major Von Kramm
Other Characters:
- MP 40
- U-boats
Synopsis for "Flying Jeep"
Appearing in "Flying Jeep"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
See Also
Recommended Reading
- World War II Recommended Reading
- Adventures in the Rifle Brigade (Volume 1)
- Adventures in the Rifle Brigade (Volume 2)
- All-American Men of War (Volume 1)
- All-Out War (Volume 1)
- Blackhawk (Volume 1)
- Blitzkrieg (Volume 1)
- Capt. Storm (Volume 1)
- Four-Star Battle Tales (Volume 1)
- G.I. Combat (Volume 1)
- Men of War (Volume 1)
- Military Comics (Volume 1)
- Our Army at War (Volume 1)
- Our Fighting Forces (Volume 1)
- Sgt. Rock (Volume 1)
- Sgt. Rock (Volume 2)
- Star-Spangled War Stories (Volume 1)
- Unknown Soldier (Volume 1)
- Weird War Tales (Volume 1)