The Outsiders, also known as the New Team Arrow, was a vigilante group from Earth-1; Star City, formed by former members of the original Team Arrow; Dinah Drake/Black Canary, Curtis Holt/Mr. Terrific, and Rene Ramirez/Wild Dog
The Outsiders were eventually disbanded when they rejoined Team Arrow to help them battle Ricardo Diaz.[1]
- This version of the team is exclusive to the continuity of the Arrowverse and is an adaptation of Outsiders. The original team was created by Mike W. Barr and Jim Aparo and first appeared in The Brave and the Bold #200.
- After the Anti-Monitor Crisis, a new universe was formed with some aspects of Earth-1, Earth-38, and Black Lightning's Earth; the Earth-Prime. On Black Lightning's Earth, the Outsiders was a comic book that follows a group of young superheroes that fight crime. On Earth-Prime, Anissa Pierce gives as a gift a mint copy of the comic book to her wife Grace Choi.[2][3][4]
- On Earth-Prime, Black Lightning's team is loosely adapted from the Outsiders, sharing goals such as infiltrating Markovia, their enemy Helga Jace, and many of their members; like Jefferson Pierce, Anissa Pierce, Grace Choi, Gardner Grayle, Geoffrey Barron, Geo-Force and Erica Moran, are all members of the Outsiders in the comics.[5]
See Also
- 10 Appearances of Outsiders (Arrowverse)
- 1 Images that include Outsiders (Arrowverse)
- Team Gallery: Outsiders (Arrowverse)
Links and References