I don't want to argue with you anymore. I'm standing here and I'm begging you. Give this up. Tonight doesn't change anything. Me coming out here, how you perform under fire -- it doesn't change what I know... if you only knew, if you only understood. I can't even begin to... to... This life... it isn't a good life, Anissa. You can try as hard as you can to fight against all that's bad in this world, and with every battle, there's another one to be fought. And another, and another. The things I've seen and what people do to one another... you'll see the ugliest part of humanity. The horrors that men and women are capable of... Anissa... it'll change you. We have powers... but we... our family doesn't owe the world any more. We've given enough. Please. I don't want this life to... to do to you... what it's done to me.
Outsiders (Volume 3) #10 is an issue of the series Outsiders (Volume 3) with a cover date of May, 2004. It was published on March 24, 2004.
Synopsis for "Devil's Work, Part Three: A Family Matter"
While Captain Marvel Jr. and Grace battle Sabbac, the rest of the Outsiders, with help from Black Lightning, attempt to close the portal that Sabbac's minions are opening. As demonic warriors begin to come through, their forces are stretched, but they are eventually able to subdue them and seal the portal. Once the portal is sealed, Sabbac takes off, too fast for Captain Marvel Jr. to pursue him.
In the aftermath of the fight, Thunder tells her father how inspiring it was to fight alongside him, and later, acting president Pete Ross asks for his resignation from the post of Secretary of Education. After having killed the man who murdered his niece and having been spotted as a hero once more, Ross feels that Jefferson Pierce, Black Lightning, is a liability.
Appearing in "Devil's Work, Part Three: A Family Matter"
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