Oxnalia was a small European nation aligned with the Axis in World War II.
In the months leading up to World War II, the Axis Powers included: Austria, Bulgaria, Bulgonia, Croatia, Dukalia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Luxor, Napkan, Nastonia, Nural, Oxnalia, Romania, Syronia, Thoria, Toran, Twerpany, and others.
In early 1942, just as the United States was entering the Second World War, Oxnalia opportunistically invaded Numark. This invasion, as well as the entire Oxnalian military, was shut down by a lone interloper, the American adventurer Superman. The Dictator Razkal attempted to flee the scene of this defeat, and was gunned down by one of his own troops. After this, the leaderless Oxnalian army made a peace agreement with the Numarkian government.
Points of Interest
- Border with Numark.
- Dictator Razkal
- Oxnalia was a dictatorial autocracy, in the early 1940s.
- Like most other dictatorial autocrats in 1942 on Earth-Two, Razkal looked and dressed almost exactly like Adolf Hitler.
See Also
- Appearances of Oxnalia
- Location Gallery: Oxnalia
- Catalogued images related to Oxnalia