DC Database

Peacemaker joined Project Butterfly on their mission to kill Senator Royland Goff. On the drive to Goff's mansion, Murn told Peace

Quote1 Peace out, motherfucker. Quote2

Better Goff Dead is an episode of season 1 of Peacemaker. It premiered on January 13, 2022.

Synopsis for "Better Goff Dead"

Peacemaker joined Project Butterfly on their mission to kill Senator Royland Goff. On the drive to Goff's mansion, Murn told Peacemaker that they'd have to kill the senator's entire family, including his two children, which made Peacemaker very uncomfortable. While he hid out with Harcourt preparing to shoot the family, Murn, Adebayo, and Economos waited out in their van as tech support and backup. When the family arrived, Peacemaker found he couldn't kill them, missing his opportunity and forcing the group to wait until morning to complete the mission.

While waiting in the bushes, Peacemaker and Harcourt bonded over the fact that their fathers got them into their respective careers of killing people. Suddenly, Vigilante appeared, having followed them from their home base in an effort to join Peacemaker. When the Goffs went to dinner in their dining room by a large window, Peacemaker still found himself unable to murder them, so Vigilante stepped in and shot Goff's wife and children. Before he could kill the senator himself, they were attacked by his bodyguard, Judomaster, and taken captive by Goff himself.

Roy Harper Cry for Justice
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Appearing in "Better Goff Dead"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Mrs. Goff (First appearance; dies)
  • Goff's son (First appearance; dies)
  • Goff's daughter (First appearance; dies)
  • Keeya Adebayo (In a photograph only) (Cameo)
  • Annie Sturphausen (Mentioned only)
  • A.R.G.U.S. (Mentioned only)
  • Auggie Smith (Mentioned only)
  • Keith Smith (Mentioned only)
  • CIA (Mentioned only)
  • D.E.O. (Mentioned only)
  • Doll Man (Mentioned only)
  • Emilia Harcourt's father (Mentioned only)
  • God (Mentioned only)
  • Gut Chase (Mentioned only)
  • United States Secret Service (Mentioned only)


  • Peacemaker's Helmet



  • Ex-Static Electrical van
  • Vigilante-mobile (Mentioned only)



  • No trivia.

See Also

Recommended Media

  • None.

Links and References

  • None.

