DC Database

Perry White had been editor-in-chief of the Metropolis newspaper the Daily Planet after inheriting it from his predecessor George Taylor.

Following the first public appearance of the Soviet Superman, Perry was beleaguered by Superman's existence and the American people's panic response. He and his employee Lois Luthor were later saved from being crush to death by Superman.

By the 1970's, Perry retired from the Planet and is succeeded by Lois. During his retirement party, Perry unsuccessfully tried to convince Lois to look for a better husband who truly cares for her than Lex Luthor, who was too obsessed in destroying Superman.




Daily Planet The Batman Strikes! 01
DC Bullet 2024

Daily Planet Staff member
This character is or was an employee of the Daily Planet, a daily newspaper based in Metropolis. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Daily Planet Staff members" category.
