DC Database

"The Gay Nineties Nightmare": Plastic Man and Woozy Winks investigated the disappearance of the Slade brothers, all hardened criminals. They came across Slimy Slade, who was dressed in gay nineties (1890's) fashion and confessed his brothers were hiding in No Place before his brother Slippery sh

Plastic Man #2 is an issue of the series Plastic Man (Volume 1) with a cover date of August, 1944.

Synopsis for "The Gay Nineties Nightmare"

Plastic Man and Woozy Winks investigated the disappearance of the Slade brothers, all hardened criminals. They came across Slimy Slade, who was dressed in gay nineties (1890's) fashion and confessed his brothers were hiding in No Place before his brother Slippery shot him. They learned from the chief of the F.B.I. that No Place was a hidden city that cut itself off from the rest of America during the 1890s'. Plastic Man apprehended Slinky Slade, disguised himself as him, and went to No Place to get Slippery. He confronted Slippery, who was about to name his inside man in No Place when his partner shot him and fled. Plastic Man and Woozy were taken in by the police for being outsiders, and Plastic Man deduced that the mayor was the Slade's man. He got the mayor to confess that he was going to set up No Place as a haven for criminals and sell the valuables at No Place as antiques. The citizens were grateful to Plastic Man for being saved from their mayor and agreed to rejoin America.

Appearing in "The Gay Nineties Nightmare"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Slippery Slade
  • Slinky Slade
  • Charlie

Other Characters:

  • Slimy Slade


  • No Place



Synopsis for "Who's Who"

Plastic Man and Woozy pursued gangster Tony Toppo when Elmer Body switched minds with Woozy and then with Plastic Man, because he thought being a crimefighter would be exciting. However, He lacked Patrick' control over his powers and was nearly killed by Toppo and his gang before Plastic Man, in Woozy's body convinced him to switch minds again. Plas defeated Toppo and got Elmer to return to his own body after suggesting he go find the President.

Appearing in "Who's Who"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Tony Toppo

Other Characters:




Synopsis for "Lava Man"

Plastic Man stopped Fargo Freddie from robbing Capitol City National Bank, but to avoid capture Fargo stole a plane to fly to Mexico. Plastic Man briefly captured him, but he leap from the plane into an active volcano. Fargo was turned into Lava Man, and nearly melted Plastic Man before he lured the villain into a railroad refrigerator car. Lava Man froze and Plastic Man smashed him to pieces.

Appearing in "Lava Man"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for "Welcome to Coroner's Corners"

Plastic Man and Woozy went to Coroner's Corners where every citizen had become a murdering loon bent on killing outsiders. They knew there was one sane person they could contact but didn't know their identity. They split up and Plastic Man was fooled by Dr. Dewey Ditt, who appeared sane, but was actually a mad hypnotist responsible for driving the town crazy. His niece, Dada was the sane one, and after giving Woozy an antidote she saved him from a murderous Plastic man by squirting the antidote in in his mouth. Plastic man came to his senses and thrashed Dr. Ditt.

Appearing in "Welcome to Coroner's Corners"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Dewey Ditt

Other Characters:

  • Agent Carlson
  • Agent Murphy





  • This issue is reprinted in Plastic Man Archives Vol. 3.
  • In Plastic Man Archives Vol. 3, "Who's Who's" was retitled "The Man Who Could Switch Bodies".

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References

Superboy Vol 4 69
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