Plastic Man (Volume 1) with a cover date of May, 1954.
Synopsis for "Plastic Man Meets the Spider"
A Dr. Stacy, colleague Dr. Renard, and Plastic Man himself meet to demonstrate new inventions for potential army use. Stacy's jet-powered tank almost crashes into an ammo dump and blows up the entire base when the jets it uses to climb obstacles misfire. Renard's invention of a wire mesh that can cover an entire city and tangle incoming rockets fails and Renard himself is almost blown up when he insists on being inside the mock town during a simulated missile attack to show his confidence in his creation. Plastic Man's test also fails when he attempts to use himself as a slingshot to launch jets without runway when his back suddenly stiffens during the test.
Soon, a villain dressed as a spider is committing fantastic robberies using a gun shooting webs of indestructible wire. Plastic Man suspects the two scientists for various reasons, and after watching their lab for a week, catches the Spider slinking out one night. He manages to get away trapping Plas with a strand of his wire, but drops a news clipping that tips Plas and Woozy off that their new enemy will try to rob the box office of a circus that's having its last performance in town. Ultimately Plastic Man manages to catch the wily villain by having himself fired in the human cannonball stunt so he lands on the Spider. The villain's unmasked as Dr. Stacy, who sabotaged the other inventions, and went about using Renard's wire as his weapon of choice, to keep them from getting the contract from the defense department before his own was ready for another demonstration.
Appearing in "Plastic Man Meets the Spider"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- The Spider (Frank Stacy) (Single appearance)
Other Characters:
Synopsis for Woozy Winks: "The Skating Contest"
This story is reprinted from Plastic Man #34.
Appearing in Woozy Winks: "The Skating Contest"
Featured Characters:
Other Characters:
- Marco the Magnificent
Synopsis for "Reflecto, the Astounding Mirror Man"
This story is reprinted from Plastic Man #31.
A walking mirror calling himself Reflecto commits robberies by showing people their reflection in his body, which offsets them enough he can quickly grab the local valuables and beat a hasty retreat. When he's caught in the act by Plastic Man, Reflecto hits him with razor-sharp glass fists and reduces the hero to a pile of shredded rubber (although he soon recovers). In their next encounter, Plastic Man fights fire with fire by shaping himself into a mirror, and seeing his own reflection seeming to talk back to him disorients Reflecto so much he runs to the top of a building to try to escape. Plasic Man then shapes himself into a stick of dynamite, and in trying to escape that threat, Reflecto doesn't look where he's going, trips on the edge of the roof and shatters himself on the sidewalk below.
Appearing in "Reflecto, the Astounding Mirror Man"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Reflecto (First appearance) (Dies)
Other Characters:
Synopsis for "The Case of the Dwindling Victuals"
A famine descends on when two crooks with bottomless metabolisms start robbing from food stores to feed their endless appetites (eating the food without even opening the cans). Plastic Man catches them when they steal a turkey dinner from a police raffle that's actually the hero in disguise. He and the chief are ultimately sympathetic, hoping the prison doctors can cure their condition.
Appearing in "The Case of the Dwindling Victuals"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Starving Sam and Hungry Herman
Other Characters:
- Also featured in this issue of Plastic Man was:
- "Murder was a Back-seat Driver" (text story), reprinted from Plastic Man #41