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"Plastic Man: "The Cyclop Caper"": While on the trail of some spies who've stolen a powerful secret weapon, Plastic Man's "helped" by Western Union employee Omar McGootch, police groupie.

Quote1 Okay .. But one false move and I'll show you what a blitzkrieg is really like! Now start tying yourselves up!!! Quote2
The Human Bomb

Police Comics #10 is an issue of the series Police Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of July, 1942.

Synopsis for Plastic Man: "The Cyclop Caper"

While on the trail of some spies who've stolen a powerful secret weapon, Plastic Man's "helped" by Western Union employee Omar McGootch, police groupie.

Appearing in Plastic Man: "The Cyclop Caper"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Cyclop, gang boss
    • Zack, driver
    • Splice
    • bald guy
  • Captain Hermann
    • his whole crew

Other Characters:

  • Omar McGootch



  • secret invention, supposedly capable of destroying the Panama Canal


  • Cyclop's watertight automobile
  • Lucy Mae, merchant steamship (Destroyed)
    • specially outfitted with automobile ramp/airlock below the waterline

Synopsis for 711: "The Axis Prison Breakout"

Two Axis spy ring leaders (Carl and Yoki) conspire to recruit thousands of new agents from the prisons of the U.S.A. There are, at this time, so many Axis agents in the U.S. prison system that there are a few of them in every prison, and spy ring leader Carl has a plan to capitalize on that fact. He uses the underworld grapevine to put out the word: a promise of freedom for every con who joins up the Axis side, after an Axis-engineered prison break. So word gets around, and it reaches Westmoor Prison, and convicted saboteur Karp, who is being eavesdropped upon by Lifer #711.

That night, a package is smuggled into the prison, and into inmate Karp's cell. It's a bomb, and he manages to get out of his cell, and into the prison basement, and plant the bomb, near the east wall. He accomplishes this despite being closely shadowed by #711. 711 figures out what room the bomb has to be in, but his quick search of it proves futile, so 711 uses his passkey to get into Karp's cell, drags Karp down to the probable bomb-room, and gets ready to leave him there; Karp squeals. Then #711 beats the daylights out of him.

Appearing in 711: "The Axis Prison Breakout"

Featured Characters:


  • Yoki, spy ring leader
  • Carl, spy ring leader
  • Karp, inmate
  • Karp's inmate ally


  • Westmoor Prison


  • 711's Pass Key

Synopsis for Eagle Evans: "The Air Race Menace"

Appearing in Eagle Evans: "The Air Race Menace"

Featured Characters:

  • Eagle Evans, Flier Of Fortune (Final appearance)

Supporting Characters:

  • Snap Smith, Eagle's cameraman


Other Characters:

  • Mr. Bright
  • Mary Bright


  • Bright Aircraft Co.


  • Bright Whirlwind, 2-seat racing plane
  • German 2-seat racing plane

Synopsis for Steele Kerrigan: "Rogan's Gambling Racket"

Appearing in Steele Kerrigan: "Rogan's Gambling Racket"

Featured Characters:

  • Steele Kerrigan

Supporting Characters:

  • Anne


  • Lefty Rogan
    • many hench

Other Characters:

  • Jim Wallace


  • Rogan's gambling den


  • Rogan's rigged-up roulette table


  • Kerrigan's red roadster

Synopsis for Manhunter: "The Voodoo Queen"

A dwarf voodoo priest performs a ritual before his cult that kills a wealthy man. The queen of the cult is sure they'll be back with even more converts when word of their power gets around. The dwarf isn't sure it was such a good idea promising the great Manhunter as a burnt offering as a symbol of their power, but she's sure it's the key to their success. Soon she flies into a rage at her gigantic henchmen, whipping him for not putting out a fire that almost singes her. He rebels, slaying her and the dwarf with a mace. Manhunter soon shows up and beats down the giant (also explaining how he's figured out it wasn't black magic that killed their victim, but a concealed poison needle in an ordinary voodoo doll). He escapes as the fire runs out of control and incinerates the entire building.

Appearing in Manhunter: "The Voodoo Queen"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Sgt. McGonigle
  • Thor (Cameo)


Other Characters:

  • J.C. Dobbs, financier (Dies)


Synopsis for The Human Bomb: "Adventure in Argentina (Part II)"

In Washington, on the telephone, Jean is very upset with Roy, for completely disappearing for two days, and is not pleased to hear about him being in Argentina either.

In Argentina, the Human Bomb breaks off his very-long-distance phone call, and sprints to the entrance of the boxite mine(*), invades it, and has a big fight with the well-armed German soldiers occupying the mine. He gets captured and tied up, then left unsupervised, while the Nazis get back to work on their main project. H.B. just twists and rubs his wrists until the ropes wear down to his bare skin, exposing it, with explosive effect. He blows out some interior walls in the mine, and resumes his attack on the German soldiers. He captures a lot of them alive, and leaves them tied up, as he explores their boxite-loading machinery, which in turn leads him into a long-distance pipeline, conveying powdered ore to a cargo ship in the harbor. The Human Bomb pokes around underwater until he's worked out how the smuggling is being done, then he boards one ship, encounters and recruits an Argentine policeman, and they confront the ship's Captain in his own cabin. The Captain and his crew are arrested by the Argentine authorities.

Appearing in The Human Bomb: "Adventure in Argentina (Part II)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Jean, Roy's fiancee


Other Characters:

  • Argentine girl
  • her late father (already dead)
  • Argentine cop




  • Helen T. Cove (Nazi ore ship w/ British name)

Synopsis for Chic Carter: "The Case of the Black Raven"

Appearing in Chic Carter: "The Case of the Black Raven"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Detective Monahan


  • Hymie, thief (Dies)
  • fat man (Dies)
    • fat man's thug (Dies)
  • Velvet
    • Garson, her butler

Other Characters:

  • antique shop owner


  • old antique shop
  • midtown hotel



  • taxicab

Synopsis for Phantom Lady: "The Civilian Defense Scandal"

Appearing in Phantom Lady: "The Civilian Defense Scandal"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • fake Mr. MacMarris, O.C.D. (formerly an undersecretary in the German Consulate, supposedly deported)
    • two hit men (Koiby, other)

Other Characters:

  • real Mr. MacMarris (already dead)
  • Tom Jensen (Dies)


  • Washington, D.C.
    • Office of Civilian Defense
    • 20 Ryder Street (Tom Jensen's house)
    • Green Park, bandstand


Synopsis for The Mouthpiece: "Big Joe Gobul and Moko"

At the train station, in a phone booth, local gangster Big Joe Gobul makes a deal with Japanese Agent Moko, and is overheard by a boy scout collecting used newspapers. Young Don Conroy learns their secret meeting place and relays this news to the District Attorney. That evening, D.A. Bill Perkins leaves his office, buys some paint and a brush at a hardware store, strolls to the park, changes identities, and stakes out the bench where the meet-up is set to take place. If only he knew what Moko or Gobul looked like, but no.

For the next few hours, numerous ordinary civilians sit on that bench, and none of them looks out of place. When it gets really dark, and the bench is unoccupied, the Mouthpiece paints the bench. Soon Big Joe and Moko show up, sit down, and money is exchanged for stolen blueprints, then both leave. The Mouthpiece knows that his chances of catching both of them, at night, in this wooded park, aren't good, so he trails behind them at a discreet distance. He takes a shortcut to the park exit, and waits. Spotting two men with fresh stripes on the backs of their suits, he follows them, until there's nobody around, then yanks out his automatic and confronts them. Without pulling any weapons, the two simply charge into the Mouthpiece, but he deals Gobul a gun-butt head-konk and then chases the wiry Moko, who is pulling ahead, when young Don Conroy the boy scout arrives on the scene with his wagon loaded with papers. He wheels it into Moko's path; down goes Moko.

Before conversing with Conroy, the Mouthpiece changes back to Bill Perkins, and arranges to borrow the scout's wagon, to roll his two prisoners to the police station.

Appearing in The Mouthpiece: "Big Joe Gobul and Moko"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters: Antagonists:

Other Characters:

  • Don Conroy, Boy Scout


  • Southard Pond, City Park


  • stolen artillery blueprints

Synopsis for The Firebrand: "Captives in Cairo"

Appearing in The Firebrand: "Captives in Cairo"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:





  • All Quality Comics characters and the distinctive likeness(es) thereof were originally Trademarked & Copyright © 1951 Quality Comics. The characters and the distinctive likeness(es) thereof were acquired by DC Comics in 1956. While some of the properties acquired did not have copyright and trademarks renewed, some of those depicted here are Trademarks & Copyright © 1973-2008 DC Comics, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
  • This is the last Quality Comics appearance of Eagle Evans. He appears next as a Sky Fighter in Bomber Comics #1, published by Gilberton in 1944.
  • Firebrand: Captions still refer to Slugger as Ensign Reilly's manservant.
  • Human Bomb:
    • At this point in his career, Roy Lincoln is Head Chemist at the U.S. Navy Laboratory. His dress blue uniform displays "Master Chief Petty Officer" chevrons.
    • The captions spell "Bauxite" as "Boxite".
  • Manhunter: A small shield now appears in the small circle on Manhunter's chest.
  • Phantom Lady:
    • Sandra's secret identity is unknown to either her father or her fiancee.
    • Phantom Lady's costume has no mask.
  • Plastic Man: "The Cyclop Caper" is reprinted in Plastic Man Archives Vol. 1.
  • Also appearing in this issue of Police Comics were:


See Also

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