DC Database

"Plastic Man: "The Drafting of Plastic Man"": Plastic Man's been drafted, and representatives of the army, navy and marines start fighting over who gets to enlist him (the army wins in the game of straws they play with Woozy's remaining hair). Woozy's beside himself being shorn away from his par

Police Comics #18 is an issue of the series Police Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of April, 1943. It was published on February 12, 1943.

Synopsis for Plastic Man: "The Drafting of Plastic Man"

Plastic Man's been drafted, and representatives of the army, navy and marines start fighting over who gets to enlist him (the army wins in the game of straws they play with Woozy's remaining hair). Woozy's beside himself being shorn away from his partner. First he tries to commit suicide on the train tracks, but falls off at the last second, then before he can be impaled on a rock he's suddenly redirected into a pigsty. He then tries to pretend to be a notorious crook at Plastic Man's going away party to make Plas see how much he's needed. After he's unmasked in that attempt, Woozy modifies his last scheme and tries to bribe his old associate Pogo Flinch (who's revealed to have a pogo stick instead of legs) to take a shot at Plas for $50. Along with the promise that Woozy will deliver a signed confession that he was behind it to get them off the hook if they're arrested.

Pogo has other ideas, though. He and his boys rob the home of Professor Van Dyke, and even though the professor doesn't survive the onslaught of Pogo's namesake appendage, they find the location of his secret lab while ransacking the house. Then the thieves leave behind Woozy's confession to direct the police's attention onto him. Hearing the story about his partner, Plastic Man refuses to believe it and rushes out of his physical exam to slip into his Eel O'Brian disguise to tap the underworld grapevine. This doesn't work, with Eel's reputation having suffered with all the gangs he's joined being caught by his alter ego. Instead, he tails Pogo's boys as Plastic Man to the secret lab, where they tie him up inside a winch and abscond with photos of the secret device they're after. However, Plastic Man slips free and pummels them unconscious.

Plastic Man manages to catch up to Woozy, who's been running around unintentionally firing guns taped to his hands by Pogo's henchmen. The gangsters confess their plan, and a telegram arrives for Plastic Man: it's a presidential order not to join the army, but the FBI.

Appearing in Plastic Man: "The Drafting of Plastic Man"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Pogo Flinch
  • Baldy
  • Butch

Other Characters:




Synopsis for Manhunter: "A Night of Murders"

Retired Judge Jupiter fears for his life, and asks for police protection. Thinking Jupiter's probably just getting jumpy in his old age, the chief assigns Officer Richards for such a soft job. A number of old friends turn up at the judge's house, but just before dinner, one of them shoots another, who dies muttering the world "justice". Officer Richards sheds his uniform to become Manhunter in order to look into this mystery.

One by one, the other guests are picked off by a mysterious killer who keeps managing to evade Manhunter. Richards confronts Jupiter, who admits his guests/victims were all people who'd escaped justice, and he was meting out it personally because the system wouldn't. As Jupiter flees, he runs right into a tree just as it's struck by lightning, finishing him. Jupiter had always believed in "an eye for an eye", but didn't figure "it applied both ways".

Appearing in Manhunter: "A Night of Murders"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Judge Jupiter (Dies)

Other Characters:

  • Two unnamed victims (Dies)
  • Jennings (Dies)
  • Rogers (Dies)




Synopsis for Destiny: "The Headless Man"

Destiny's surprised to find a package delivered to him containing a human head, then followed by a headless man who identifies himself as Frank N. Stein coming in, reattaching it, and thanking Destiny for returning it.

Soon Destiny remembers where he'd heard the name "Stein" recently: Stein the millionaire passed away and his fortune's being probated. Suspecting foul play, Destiny puts himself in a trance and finds himself whirled to a rundown old house. He quickly finds Frank N. Stein dead on the floor. The headless man attacks Destiny to silence him, but in their scuffle his head is punched off, and he's revealed to be a dwarf wearing a frame that made him seem to be of normal height. The fake head was the last part of his disguise.

The Stein lawyer explains what's going on: Frank N. Stein was the black sheep of the family, and the estate was all left to his brother Ruben, the dead guy upstairs. Frank had created the disguise with the frame and fake head to impersonate his brother. The lawyer stole the head and mailed it to Destiny, expecting the hero to get involved in the mystery and catch the crooked Frank.

Appearing in Destiny: "The Headless Man"

Featured Characters:


Synopsis for Spirit: "Gang Warfare"

Appearing in Spirit: "Gang Warfare"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for Phantom Lady: "Golden Egg"

Appearing in Phantom Lady: "Golden Egg"

Featured Characters:


Synopsis for Chic Carter: "The Man From Nowhere"

Notorious gunman Kane is scheduled to die in the electric chair, when a sinister chaplain gives him a pill to swallow. This turns Kane into a cloud of smoke. One that can escape through any opening, but also lift guns and kill!

Appearing in Chic Carter: "The Man From Nowhere"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Detective Monahan


  • Killer Kane (Dies)

Synopsis for Human Bomb: "The Three Mosquitoes"

Roy's all set for a romantic night in with Jean, only for her to announce she's got a scientific project of her own set for that night. He surreptitiously investigates and find out she's created a highly dangerous dynamite-propelled car. Meanwhile, three midget caricatures of Hitler, Mussolini and Tojo engage in comical hijinks trying to steal it.

Appearing in Human Bomb: "The Three Mosquitoes"

Featured Characters:


  • Last issue of Police Comics for Chic Carter by Vernon Henkel, which next appears in National Comics #33.
  • Plastic Man: "The Drafting of Plastic Man" is reprinted in Plastic Man Archives Vol. 1.
    • Plastic Man mainly retires his tactic of infiltrating gangs as his former gangster self, thanks to word spreading throughout the underworld that any gang he joins gets busted.

See Also

Links and References

Superboy Vol 4 69
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