DC Database

"Plastic Man: "Blinky Winks and Gooie Louie"": Plastic Man and Woozy close down a butter-smuggling operation run by Gooie Louie, by going undercover at the farm run by Woozy's uncle Blinky.

Police Comics #30 is an issue of the series Police Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of May, 1944.

Synopsis for Plastic Man: "Blinky Winks and Gooie Louie"

Plastic Man and Woozy close down a butter-smuggling operation run by Gooie Louie, by going undercover at the farm run by Woozy's uncle Blinky.

Appearing in Plastic Man: "Blinky Winks and Gooie Louie"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Maxie
  • Fingers
  • Gooie Louie
  • Micky the Finn
  • Pat Slugso
  • Fat Slugso

Other Characters:

  • Blinky Winks, Woozy's uncle




Synopsis for Flatfoot Burns: "Crooks Steal Vampire State Building"

Appearing in Flatfoot Burns: "Crooks Steal Vampire State Building"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for Destiny: "The Werewolf of Warsaw"

Destiny feels the call of duty again and is zipped off to Warsaw, Poland. He has to quickly hide among the bodies of slain locals from a Nazi patrol. He spots a giant grey wolf feasting on the bodies of the invaders' victims, but drives it off with a fierce punch. Destiny follows it into a house where he runs into a group of refugees, but realizes one man looks awfully well-fed for being in a militarized area. The hero boldly declares that such is the case because he's really a werewolf. The man transforms and starts to overwhelm Destiny with his animalistic fury, but one of the other refugees gives Destiny a spoon they'd sharpened into a blade in case they had to defend themselves. The improvised silver weapon works well enough to slay the ferocious lycanthrope.

Appearing in Destiny: "The Werewolf of Warsaw"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:



  • Improvised silver knife


Synopsis for The Spirit: "Captured by the Underworld"

Appearing in The Spirit: "Captured by the Underworld"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for The Human Bomb: "Thar He Blows!"

Hustace has a date at 13 Dracula Drive. Beyond the sinister name, that house has been closed up for years after a mysterious death took place there, prompting Roy to become the Human Bomb to investigate. Moreover, the cabbie who drops Hustace off refuses to return to pick him up at midnight after realizing where they've gone. His date, a Miss Walpurga, urges him into the dining room where a pair of other sinister characters are waiting to begin "breakfast", despite it being late in the evening. Finding this all too bizarre, Hustace tries to leave, but faints when one of them bars his way, he tries to fight back, and they disappear into thin air to avoid him.

Bomb shows up looking for his friend, and is told by Walpurga she's the head of a small criminal organization, which Bomb will help them expand, or his friend will be killed. He refuses, and exposes that they don't really have supernatural powers: those were faked through special effects. In chasing down the crooks he causes so much damage the house catches fire and burns to the ground. Hustace wakes up in the hospital, and Roy teases him that he was dreaming the whole bizarre escapade.

Appearing in The Human Bomb: "Thar He Blows!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Miss Walpurga

Other Characters:




Synopsis for Manhunter: "Sounds In the Silent Night"

A man buys the fabulous Jewel of Omar ruby for his wife, but is warned by the blind jeweler of a man called The Eye, who will kill anyone to possess the gem. Unconcerned, the man takes it home, but hears eerie laughter as he enters. Almost at the same time, Officer Dan Richards is assigned to the house to "play nursemaid to a ruby", much to his frustration, as that's exactly when he realizes he forgot his girlfriend's birthday. Seeing The Eye's henchmen menacing the new owner of the jewel, Richards sheds his uniform and enters the fray as Manhunter. The crooks flee, but Thor follows their scent, and after another brawl Manhunter knocks them out but the leader gets away.

Manhunter runs into the blind jeweler, who asks for help finding a certain house, which they get to by following the sounds of a trail of landmarks the blind man remembers. It turns out to be the house that had just been invaded, and the blind jeweler is himself the Eye, come to reclaim the Jewel of Omar. The buyer and Manhunter manage to get the upper hand on him, and Manhunter figures out what his game was: the Jewel of Omar was a fake. The jeweler would peddle the fake treasure, then kill the owner to both cover up his forgery and add to the mystique of the magnificent gem by creating a legend of a ruthless killer obsessed with it. To get back in good with his girlfriend, Officer Richards gives the Jewel of Omar to his steamed girlfriend (but wonders what she'll do when she finds out it isn't real).

Appearing in Manhunter: "Sounds In the Silent Night"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:





  • Plastic man is reprinted in Plastic Man Archives Vol. 2.
  • Also featured in this issue of Police Comics were:
    • Dewey Drip, by John Devlin
    • Burp The Twerp, by Jack Cole

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References

Superboy Vol 4 69
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