DC Database

"Plastic Man: The Nameless Weapon": The synopsis for this issue has not yet been written.

Police Comics #42 is an issue of the series Police Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of May, 1945.

Synopsis for "Plastic Man: The Nameless Weapon"

Appearing in "Plastic Man: The Nameless Weapon"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for "Candy"

Appearing in "Candy"

Featured Characters:

Synopsis for "Human Bomb: The Ippo Roots"

Roy and Hustace are heading out into the country to buy some rare ippo roots from Miss Glee Dover. She's disappointed to tell them Squire Flintz is about to foreclose on her house and she'll lose the garden where the roots are grown. Her boyfriend hands over his life savings to pay off the mortgage, but Squire Flintz claims he recognizes the serial numbers as being those of bills stolen from a bank of his and orders the boy arrested. Hustace protests the injustice of this, and Flintz orders him thrown in the same cell. In jail, Hustace takes his shoes off and attempts to free them with his explosive feet, but while he scares the dickens out of the local posse, he only manages to knock himself out. Flintz declares the two of them too dangerous to live and orders them executed by hanging at once. Roy suits up as the Human Bomb and saves the pair with his explosive touch, in the process scaring Flintz into admitting the mortgage was fake and he was just trying to gain possession of where Glee's valuable roots are grown. The sheriff releases Bomb's friends and throws Flintz in the hoosegow instead.

Appearing in "Human Bomb: The Ippo Roots"

Featured Characters:

Synopsis for "Manhunter: The Haunted Switch Tower"

A man named Grayson isn't happy with his new posting at the railroad he works for. Not just because he claims the remote switch tower where he's been reassigned is haunted, but because he feels he's being shafted after decades of faithful service. To liven up his lonely new occupation, Grayson thinks about what'd happen if a train crashed out there. Soon, a figure dressed as a ghost scares a passing train crew and leaves the switch open, causing the express to crash into box cars full of blasting powder.

Unfortunately for the ghost, one of the survivors was officer Dan Richards, who'd been escorting a captured felon to the city for his trial. With the crook one of the casualties, Dan's free to slip into his Manhunter getup and investigate what caused the train crash. Manhunter pursues the ghost, who strangely flies away and disappears as it were a real spook. He checks the switch tower and in Grayson's foot locker finds a bunch of strange objects that with his knowledge of science the hero figures out would allow someone to fake a flying ghost. However when Manhunter confronts Grayson about, he hears a ghostly wail outside and goes to investigate, only to run into a figure in a ghost costume who knocks him out with a bat to the head.

The "ghost" tries to leave the unconscious hero on the tracks to be splattered when another train speeds by in a few minutes. Fortunately, Thor rolls Manhunter to the middle of the tracks so the train goes over them without hitting them. Manhunter attacks the ghost and reveals him as Grayson's manager who reassigned him, and who'd been trying to rob from the company. The crook Dan Richards had been escorting was his patsy, but when he was caught, the manager tried to wreck the trains to kill all possible witnesses against him. He'd assigned Grayson out there to make him take the fall.

Appearing in "Manhunter: The Haunted Switch Tower"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

Synopsis for "Flatfoot Burns: The Stolen Hat"

Burns tracks down a stolen ladies' hat, and after finding out it's made of a steak and peas, eats the evidence.

Appearing in "Flatfoot Burns: The Stolen Hat"

Featured Characters:

Synopsis for The Spirit: "Professor Pinx's Patients"

Two rival gangsters hide out in a psychiatrist's office, and he attempts to ply his trade and get them to get along. It fails until Ebony White, his face dotted with red nail polish by one of the other guys in his neighborhood as a prank, comes through the window and makes the two gangsters laugh when they realize he doesn't really have a horrible disease. The two gangsters' gangs come by and shoot each other up, and the Spirit catches the two buddies in crime as they try to escape.

Appearing in The Spirit: "Professor Pinx's Patients"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Commissioner Dolan
  • Ebony White


  • Ringo
  • Corpsey

Other Characters:

  • Prof. Pinx





See Also

Links and References

Batman 0585
DC Bullet 2024

Summary Needed

This page is missing a well-written and detailed synopsis. If there is already a synopsis here, it might need to be modified or expanded. You can help the DC Database by adding a summary of the story.
Look at how sad this is making Batman. You did this.
Superboy Vol 4 69
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