Promethea #7 is an issue of the series Promethea (Volume 1) with a cover date of April, 2000.
Synopsis for "Rocks and Hard Places"
As Sophie Bangs continues to recover at the hospital she dreams of the Immateria, and meets Bill Woolcott, a writer-artist who worked on the Promethea stories between 1939-1969. Bill warns Sophie of the dangers of the Earthly realm and how she should "bring the light of pure spirit down to free earthbound humanity." He then wishes her goodbye and to be careful.
Sophie awakes from her hospital bed. Her mother and friend, Stacia, are at her side. Suddenly, an explosion occurs outside the building. From above, the demons that Benny Solomon summoned earlier[1] have arrived and are ready to to attack Sophie.
To be continued...
Appearing in "Rocks and Hard Places"
Featured Characters:
- Promethea
- Sophie Bangs
- Bill Woolcott (Host) (Flashback and main story)
Supporting Characters:
- Mayor Sonny Baskerville
- Painted Doll
- Benny Solomon
- Ernie (Solomon's assistant)
- A group of demons
Other Characters:
- Five Swell Guys
- Bob
- Marv
- Roger
- Patricia Bangs (Sophie's mom)
- Dennis Drucker (Flashback only)
- Earth-ABC
- New York City (1999)
- South Tower Hospital
- The Immateria
- New York City (1999)
- The cover is a parody of the Young Romance comic books that were published by DC Comics in the 1950's.
- José Villarrubia was the digital artist for pages 13-20.
See Also