DC Database

In 1942, at the U.S. airbase at Quake Island, the Blackhawk Squadron arrived and found everyone at their posts, dead. A still-smoldering cigarette was in one ashtray, and on it was printed a clue which led the team to fly onward, to Tokyo.

Quote1 YAH!! Vhy don't be chust go to Tokyo und ask der Emperor?!! Heh heh heh heh Quote2

Quake Island is in the Mid-Pacific Ocean.


In 1942, at the U.S. airbase at Quake Island, the Blackhawk Squadron arrived and found everyone at their posts, dead. A still-smoldering cigarette was in one ashtray, and on it was printed a clue which led the team to fly onward, to Tokyo.

Points of Interest

U.S. military airbase


  • The entire garrison of this remote U.S. outpost was wiped out, by unknown means, in 1942.
  • Quake Island in the Quality Universe might or might not closely resemble the more well known Wake Island, on Earth-Two.

See Also
