Initially titled "Reign of Doomsday", the storyline became "Reign of the Doomsdays" at the end of Action Comics #900. It is the final Superman story arc in the Post-Crisis continuity before it was rebooted into The New 52.
In a mysterious plot, seemingly orchestrated by Lex Luthor, a set of Doomsdays, each with the powers and abilities of Steel, Superboy, Eradicator and the Cyborg Superman, are set out to find and capture the four super beings who bore the S-Shield after Superman's death. Their rampage tore apart various locations, even defeating the Outsiders and the Justice League of America. Following Superman's seemingly last encounter with Luthor, Superman, Supergirl and the four other shield bearers have learned that their attackers isn't one Doomsday and that the real one has been imprisoned the entire time.
- Steel (Volume 3) #1
- Outsiders (Volume 4) #37
- Justice League of America (Volume 2) #55
- Superman/Batman Annual #5
- Superboy (Volume 5) #6
- Action Comics #900
- Action Comics #901
- Action Comics #902
- Action Comics #903
- Action Comics #904
- This story is the last official Superman story set before the Flashpoint reboot.
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Superman Family Storyline This event or storyline is specifically related to Superman, or to members of the Superman Family. This template will automatically categorize articles that include it into the Superman Storylines category. |