Robin: Reborn collects the two character-defining arcs for Tim Drake written by Alan Grant and drawn by Norm Breyfogle, "Rite of Passage" and "Identity Crisis". It also collects Robin (Volume 1), the first of three mini-series by writer Chuck Dixon and artist Tom Lyle before their eventual ongoing run.
- Detective Comics #618 (Rite of Passage (part 1): Shadow on the Sun)
- Detective Comics #619 (Rite of Passage (part 2): Beyond Belief!)
- Detective Comics #620 (Rite of Passage (part 3): Make Me a Hero)
- Detective Comics #621 (Rite of Passage (part 4): Trial by Fire)
- Batman #455 (Identity Crisis: Part 1)
- Batman #456 (Identity Crisis Part 2: Without Fear of Consequence...)
- Batman #457 (Master of Fear)
- Robin #1 (Big Bad World)
- Robin #2 (The Shepardess)
- Robin #3 (The Destroying Angel)
- Robin #4 (Strange Company)
- Robin #5 (The Dark)