DC Database

"Situations and Comedies": Tim, Ari, Ives and Callie attend a Shakespeare play entitled Macbeth on the beach, at Gotham Park, to get some extra credit for their english

Quote1 Thought you'd slip away without me catching you, huh? Thought I wouldn't remember where I'd seen you before? Like I wouldn't recognize you by your little outfit. Quote2
Helena Bertinelli

Robin (Volume 2) #34 is an issue of the series Robin (Volume 2) with a cover date of October, 1996.

Synopsis for "Situations and Comedies"

Tim, Ari, Ives and Callie attend a Shakespeare play entitled Macbeth on the beach, at Gotham Park, to get some extra credit for their english class. The play is completely dull and Tim spots two young men fighting over the trees in the dark. He slips away from his friends, who are arguing about the play, and stops the fight. The aggressor draws a gun but Tim disarms him and tells the guy to go away. Tim drops the gun into a trash can and suddenly Helena Bertinelli appears to warn Tim about being wandering too close to her students.

Tim knows that the encounter could have ended up in Helena discovering Tim's secret identity. He tries to sneak back to his friends but he catches a glimpse of a car with three men inside armed with heavy weapons and with masks. Tim deduces that they are waiting for the play to finish to mug all the people. Tim starts looking for a payphone to dial 911 but he comes across with his friends, who stop Tim for a little while. Tim then knows that it is already too late to call the police so he goes to the Redbird and takes his Robin suit.

Robin sees the three thugs getting out of the car and jumps on them. The thugs start shooting at him and they catch everyone's attention. Robin uses some batarangs to disarm two of them. The crowd then starts to beat the two unharmed thugs. The third thug goes to hide in a nearby mobile restroom. Robin knocks the cabin down and the thug comes out of it. He tries to escape at plain sight and Robin can't risk being seen by Helena Bertinelli because she might guess his secret identity, or Ariana might do the same. Luckly Helena appears and knocks the thug without the need to dress up as Huntress. Tim changes his clothes back and decides that it is time for him and his friends to leave.

When they are leaving Helena calls Tim and tells him that she knows who he is and that his outfit let her know all she needed. Tim thinks that she is talking about his Robin persona but then she tells Tim that she recognized him because of his school jacket as the boy behind the trees at the beginning of the story. Tim is relieved and Ariana is jealous and curious of knowing how Tim knew a woman that beautiful.

Appearing in "Situations and Comedies"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:





  • Group Editor Dennis O'Neil wrote one of his mini-essays From the Den in letter column; in which he explained that for at least a year, from that point on, there would be no crossovers between the Batman titles and that the stories will start, develop and end in the same title, under public request. He also showed the icon that would be used in the covers to let the readers know how many parts there were in the story.


See Also

Recommended Reading

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