Roger Rose (b. August 15, 1958) voiced Superman and Amazo for the animated series Batman: The Brave and the Bold, William North for the video game Batman: Arkham Asylum, and numerous incidental character for several DC animated productions.
Work History
Acting Credits
Batman: The Animated Series | 1992-1995 | Various |
"Joker's Wild" | November 19, 1992 | TV Host |
"Robin's Reckoning, Part I" | February 7, 1993 | Additional voices |
"The Worry Men" | September 16, 1993 | Jaguar Shaman |
"Batgirl Returns" | November 12, 1994 | Gilbert Patrolman |
Superman: The Animated Series | 1996-2000 | Various |
"The Last Son of Krypton, Part I" | September 6, 1996 | Driver Cop Councilman |
Superman: The Last Son of Krypton | September 6, 1996 | Driver Cop Councilman |
The Zeta Project | 2001-2002 | Ad-Bot |
"Hicksburg" | March 31, 2001 | Ad-Bot |
Justice League Unlimited | 2004-2006 | Lasser |
"Fearful Symmetry" | September 4, 2004 | Lasser Security Guard Agent |
Superman: Brainiac Attacks | June 20, 2006 | Additional voices |
The Batman | 2004-2008 | Worker #2 |
"The Joining (Part I)" | April 28, 2007 | Worker #2 |
Batman: Arkham Asylum | August 25, 2009 | William North Masked Guard #4 Masked Orderly #1 |
Batman: The Brave and the Bold | 2008-2011 | Superman |
"The Power of Shazam!" | April 2, 2010 | WHIZ Reporter C.C. |
"Battle of the Superheroes!" | March 25, 2011 | Superman |
"Triumvirate of Terror!" | August 1, 2011 | Superman Amazo |
Batman: Arkham City | October 18, 2011 | William North Officer Strickland |
Justice League: War | February 4, 2014 | Pinstriped Loudmouth |