The Rogues are a team made up of criminals enemies of the Flash. The original team was created by Captain Cold on Earth-1, with the first members being his sister Golden Glider and his friend Heat Wave. The second team was created by Red Death in Earth-Prime, with the new members being Captain Boomerang, The Fiddler, Murmur, Rainbow Raider and formerly Chillblaine.
- Trick Boomerangs
- Fiddler's Fiddle
- Amar's Knives
- Chillblaine's Gauntlets (Formerly)
- Captain Cold's Cold Gun (Formerly)
- Heat Wave's Heat Gun (Formerly)
- Golden Glider's Gold Gun (Formerly)
See Also
- 8 Appearances of Rogues (Arrowverse)
- 3 Images that include Rogues (Arrowverse)
- Team Gallery: Rogues (Arrowverse)
Links and References
Flash Villain(s) |