DC Database

Rose Wilson was the daughter of General Wilson.

After her father was left comatose, Rose set out to kill the vigilantes, that her father had hated, and she was certain were behind his state.

Among her victims was the Angel of Vengeance. Not long after, Rose was approached by Stargirl, about joining the Titans. They fought and Rose took Stargirl down but did not kill her. Through her encounter with Stargirl, Rose learned about the base of operation for the Titans and set out to kill them. However, the Titans defeated her, and Rose was handed over to the DEO.





Fearsome Five 03
Titans Villain(s)
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This character has been primarily an enemy of the Teen Titans, the Titans, or any of the other various Titans incarnations. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Titans Villains" category.
