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DC Database

Quote1 No one will care what you report. You're just a Fury... Give me a kiss, girl, and your torture will be less severe. Quote2
Rublon src

Steppenwolf has many bastard sons, and Rublon was one of them.

His father procured him a job in Apokolips' Protectorate, and his over-confidence in his unearned advantage was his undoing.

Female Furies

As a male on Apokolips, Rublon has an assumed authority that does not withstand close scrutiny. His fighting skills and tactical assessment were poor. When Aurelie and Big Barda captured a runaway girl; and the hard work was done, Rublon stepped in and flouted his familial authority to claim the girl; offering to lessen her torture in exchange for a kiss. Rublon's assumption that she would be his plaything enraged Aurelie; who had been recently traumatized at the hands of Willik. She cut Rublon's throat in one quick move, and he was dead.[1]

His body was buried on a passing comet and thought forgotten. Willik saw Rublon's murder and disposal, and used the knowledge to blackmail Aurelie into his bedchamber. Eventually Rublon's body fell back to Apokolips, and Himon was blamed, and his daughter killed by Aurelie in misguided attempt at revenge.[2]

Later Willik tried to similarly blackmail Barda, but she went to Darkseid and confessed rather than submit. For her prowess and pride, she was promoted rather than punished.[3]

In death, Rublon played a bigger part on Apokolips than in life.






New Gods 02
Jack Kirby's Fourth World
DC Bullet 2024

This character or group of characters are related to Jack Kirby's Fourth World, either the original concept and group of titles by Jack Kirby, or any of their subsequent adaptations by other creators. This template will categorize articles that include it into the Fourth World Characters category.
