DC Database
DC Database

Quote1 Don't tell me you used the failed LexCorp process Packard! The process only imitates DNA! That makes it inherently incompatible with any living tissue! He started dying the moment you created him! Quote2
Tommy Thompkins src

S-01 is the first of the Paul Westfield overseen attempts to clone a new Superman.

He was created using a version of the failed LexCorp cloning process which meant his body started degrading as soon as it was made and Dr. Packard placed him in a stasis in hopes of uncovering a cure for him at a later date.

Project Cadmus 002

S-01 in his stasis pod alongside the other failed clones.

When he and the other eleven failed Superman cloning attempts were unearthed from the rubble of Cadmus following the Clone Plague induced Battle for Metropolis the thirteenth and only success of Westfield's project Superboy was recalled to Cadmus to discuss the new information uncovered regarding his own origin. While the Cadmus directors and Dr. Packard discussed what went wrong with S-01 and Westfield's secrecy on the project Scrapper unknowingly leaned on the control panel for S-01's stasis pod causing him to be released.

After breaking free of his stasis pod S-01 rapidly started deteriorating with his skin almost immediately taking on the chalky huge and ridged texture of other Bizarros.



  • Power Instability: His grip on his powers slips and his powers themselves fade away as his condition worsens.

  • While S-01 does not appear again eventually Match started taking on Bizarro attributes to become the Bizarro to Kon-El's Superboy in his stead.


