DC Database
DC Database

Quote1 If I'm cured, you won't have to battle me again. Quote2
Samuel Toth src

Samuel Toth was a scientist who tested a particle accelerator on himself which turned him into the Silver Fog.



  • Science
  • Thievery: The Silver Fog resorted to stealing scientific parts in an effort to save himself and return his body back into a solid form.


  • Power Instability: As the Silver Fog, it was getting harder and harder for him to return to a solid form. (Formerly)

  • Although this character was originally introduced during DC's Earth-One era of publication, their existence following the events of the 1985–86 limited series Crisis on Infinite Earths remains intact. However, some elements of the character's Pre-Crisis history may have been altered or removed for Post-Crisis New Earth continuity, and should be considered apocryphal.



Dial H for Hero 001
Dial H for Hero Villain
DC Bullet 2024

This character is or was primarily an enemy of the bearers of the Hero Dial: Robby Reed, Chris King, and Vicki Grant. This template will categorize articles that include it into the category "Dial H for Hero Villains."
