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"The Secret of Immortality, Part Three": The Marquis de Marquez teaches Charles and Edwin how to tap into their powers as ghosts in order to find the elusive Hob Gadling. But is Hob truly the killer that they seek?

Quote1 Oh dear, Charles... What have we done? Quote2
Edwin Paine

Sandman Presents: Dead Boy Detectives #3 is an issue of the series Sandman Presents: Dead Boy Detectives (Volume 1) with a cover date of October, 2001.

Synopsis for "The Secret of Immortality, Part Three"

The Marquis de Marquez teaches Charles and Edwin how to tap into their powers as ghosts in order to find the elusive Hob Gadling. But is Hob truly the killer that they seek?

Appearing in "The Secret of Immortality, Part Three"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Marquis de Marquez

Other Characters:



  • Marquis de Marquez's Coin



  • Hob Gadling invokes his friend Dream of the Endless but, as of this story, he has never met his current counterpart, Dream/Daniel Hall.


See Also

Links and References
