- I will never forget her. She who defied the one immutable law, who walked on Death's ocean without sinking and came back to me dryshod. I would not wish to forget, although the memory of her face is a pain that time does not lessen.
Sandman Presents: Petrefax #4 is an issue of the series Sandman Presents: Petrefax (Volume 1) with a cover date of June, 2000.
Synopsis for "Travels in Malegrise: Part Four"
Appearing in "Travels in Malegrise: Part Four"
Featured Characters:
- Petrefax (Narrator)
- Raven (Jonathan Bulgus) (Real identity revealed)
Supporting Characters:
- Bal Cyphyro
- Calcinia Smith (Zombified) (Resurrected)
- Gypsies (Cameo)
- Bas (Cameo)
- Madame Ismir (Dies) (Cameo)
- Ironfoot
- Mayor Jumello
- Giles (Single appearance) (Cameo)
- Paulus (Single appearance) (Cameo)
- The Consistory (First full appearance)
- Mr. Secretary (Unnamed)
- Lord Bulgus/Phrax Bulgus (Dies)
Other Characters:
- Dogma Smith (Cameo)
- Alice (Cameo)
- Master Klaproth (Cameo)
- Malachi Bulgus (Appears only as a corpse) (Also as a spirit)
- Meldred Smith (Cameo)
- Quonce (Flashback and main story) (Also as a corpse) (First full appearance)
- Death (Mentioned only)
- Demons (Mentioned only)
- God (Mentioned only)
- Taiso Pinfold (Mentioned only)
- Litharge
- The Necropolis (Cameo)
- Malegrise
- Ascandalus
- Minister Square
- Ashwok (Flashback and main story)
- The Hill of the Red Grass
- The Heart's Needle (Flashback and main story)
- The Hill of the Red Grass
- Gillish Road
- Gypsy Camp (Cameo)
- Sortari
- Bulgus Estate (Cameo)
- Smith House (Cameo)
- Chibaios River (Mentioned only)
- Ascandalus
- Quonce's Journal (Single appearance)
- Gypsies Wagons (Cameo)
- Jumello's Carriage
- Final issue.
See Also
Links and References
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Look at how sad this is making Batman. You did this.
Look at how sad this is making Batman. You did this.