DC Database

"Necromancer, or What Ever Made You Think Ghosts Carry Money?": Thessaly and Fetch encounter the Third Gatekeeper on their quest, and Thessaly deduces the identities of the beings who put out a contract on her soul.

Quote1 They're obviously Death Gods attached to individual mythologies. Quote2

Sandman Presents: The Thessaliad #3 is an issue of the series Sandman Presents: The Thessaliad (Volume 1) with a cover date of May, 2002. It was published on March 13, 2002.

Synopsis for "Necromancer, or What Ever Made You Think Ghosts Carry Money?"

Thessaly and Fetch encounter the Third Gatekeeper on their quest, and Thessaly deduces the identities of the beings who put out a contract on her soul.

Appearing in "Necromancer, or What Ever Made You Think Ghosts Carry Money?"

Featured Characters:

  • Thessaly (Also as a statue)
    • Thessaly's Doppleganger (First appearance; unnamed) (Dies)

Supporting Characters:

  • Fetch (As a spirit)
  • Thessaly's Fire Elemental (First appearance; unnamed)


Other Characters:


  • Multiverse (Behind the scenes)
    • Allegorical Subway
      • 3rd Challenge (Single appearance)
        • Garden of the Basilisk (Single appearance) (Destroyed)
      • Association Station (Flashback only)
      • Final Destination (First appearance)
        • Milton and Mallory Funeral Home (First appearance)
      • Revelation Station (Single appearance)
        • Dead Legends' Café (Single appearance)
    • New Earth (Flashback and main story)
    • Hades (Mentioned only)
    • Hell (Mentioned only)



  • Allegorical Commuter Lines Train (Flashback and main story)



  • Barry Allen only appears as an astral projection in this story because, as of this story, he's still imprisoned in the Speed Force.[1]


See Also

Links and References

Superboy Vol 4 69
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