In this title collecting the first eight issues starring Hawkman, Carter Hall is back as the savage Hawkman! Carter's skill at deciphering lost languages has led him to a job with an archaeologist who specializes in alien ruins. And his latest discovery is Morphicius, whose deadly power spreads an alien plague through New York City.
- Savage Hawkman #1 (Hawkman Rising)
- Savage Hawkman #2 (Wings of Darkness)
- Savage Hawkman #3 (Razing Kane)
- Savage Hawkman #4 (The Savage Hawkman vs. the Black Plague)
- Savage Hawkman #5 (Waking Nightmares)
- Savage Hawkman #6 (Open Graves)
- Savage Hawkman #7 (Rise of the Dead)
- Savage Hawkman #8 (Strange Bedfellows)