Scratch is a young and inexperienced werewolf.
On his fifteenth birthday, Zack developed a deformity on his right arm. The deformity grew until he ultimately transformed into a werewolf. Zack ran away from home and eventually found acceptance in the arms of a disfigured young woman named Sage Perkins.
Powers and Abilities
- Lycanthropy: As a werewolf, Zack is many times larger than that of the average human and possesses characteristics akin to a canine.
- Power Instability: Zack has little to no control over his transformations, and has a tendency to only transform partially (eg: having werewolf legs while in human form).
Recommended Reading
- 5 Appearances of Scratch (New Earth)
- 6 Images featuring Scratch (New Earth)
- 1 Quotations by or about Scratch (New Earth)
- Character Gallery: Scratch (New Earth)
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