DC Database

 The Sea Changed are a sub-group of Atlanteans born with a variant physiology, generally appearing less human-like and more resembling marine animals.


The Sea Changed can vary from almost normal in appearance, to fish-like but humanoid, to so mutated as to appear completely inhuman. They have traditionally been a disenfranchised underclass in Atlantis, subjected to racist discrimination by the human-like Atlanteans, who refer to them as "Mutants" or "Taint-Bloods". Most Sea Changed lived in the ghettos of the Ninth Tride, where they were persecuted even by the humanlike Ninth Triders known as Hadalin. However, a small number did manage to escape and rise to positions of prominence through great talent.

Many Sea Changed fought in the revolution against Corum Rarth, a former Hadalin himself who had a particular hatred of the Sea Changed. Following this Queen Mera attempted to institute reforms to improve the lives of the Sea Changed and the conditions in the Ninth Tride, but faced stiff opposition from the Royal Council of Atlantis. When Mera fell into a coma the Council cancelled all her pro-Ninth Tride policies; and, when a mysterious plague began ravaging the Ninth Tride and especially the Sea Changed, the council decided to seal off the Ninth Tride to prevent it spreading to the higher levels of Atlantis. A large proportion of Atlantis' Sea Changed population defected to the City of Dagon, lured by the Ocean Master's promises of equality and prosperity.

When Mera regained consciousness she dissolved the monarchy and replaced it with a democratically elected council. She ensured that several Sea Changed sat on the council to give them a voice in the government.

Powers and Abilities





Type of Government:

Atlantis: Parliamentary republic. Prior to democratic reforms the Sea Changed were formally subjects of the Atlantean monarchy, but were effectively ignored by the state and lived under the rule of criminal gangs and local strongmen.
City of Dagon: Absolute monarchy.

Level of Technology:

Atlantis possesses advanced technology, but many Sea Changed live in poverty without access to it.


See Also

Links and References
