DC Database

"The Sinister Jack-In-The-Box": The synopsis for this issue has not yet been written.

Sensation Comics #107 is an issue of the series Sensation Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of February, 1952.

Synopsis for "The Sinister Jack-In-The-Box"

Appearing in "The Sinister Jack-In-The-Box"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "The Last Dream"

Tybalt Fletcher, the last of his line, dies in a feud with the Beaumont clan. His ghost then spends the next 400 years killing Beaumonts with the pistol he requested he be buried with.

Appearing in "The Last Dream"


  • Tybalt Fletcher (Dies)
  • Frederic Beaumont I (Dies)
  • Edgar Beaumont (Dies)
  • Willard Beaumont (Dies)
  • Frederic Beaumont II
  • Sir Francis Drake
  • Dr. Petri Vorcine
  • Harry
  • Thomas
  • Jenkins

Synopsis for Johnny Peril: "Queen of the Snows!"

Johnny Peril travels 7000 miles to find a friend named Lee Allen on the slopes of Mt Subara. He finds an incoherent Lee murmuring about a beautiful woman with a crown of roses on the mountain. Peril helps his friend down the mountain to base camp but his friend does not survive. The guides inform Peril that his friend was killed by Subara the ice queen who lives on the mountain. They claim that she is the most beautiful and the most deadly woman in the world. Peril announces that he must return to the coast with the body of his friend but the guides urge him to bury his friend on the mountain. His friend belongs to Subara the ice queen. Peril dismisses their fears but they are suddenly caught in a devastating avalanche. Peril rescues everybody but the body of his friend is missing. The native guides maintain that his friend is now with Subara. Peril stubbornly refuses to leave his friend and announces that he intends to dig for his body until it is found. Peril then finds himself under attack and when he comes to he finds himself bound to a sled. The guides tell him they intend to return him back to the coast away from Subara for his own good. Two weeks later, Johnny Peril is on the coast meeting with his two explorer friends Bill Davis and Jack Gordon. Peril relates his experience on Mt Subara and reveals his intentions to return to look for the infamous ice queen. His friends state that they will go with him. During the climb up the mountain, Johnny becomes separated from his friends. He struggles to climb the mountain on his own. He finds a crevice that contains the body of Subara. He hears a mocking laughter and sees her beautiful face. The phantom embraces Johnny but then pushes him down a crevice. Johnny seizes her arm and throws her off balance and the phantom lady falls silently down the crevice. Johnny returns to the base of the mountain where he finds his friend Bill Davis. He relates that he has seen Subara and that she was real. His friend is skeptical until Johnny produces a crown of roses from his jacket.

Appearing in Johnny Peril: "Queen of the Snows!"

Featured Characters:


  • Subara, the Ice Queen (Single appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Lee Allen (Single appearance; dies)
  • Bill Davis (Single appearance)
  • Jack Gordon (Single appearance)



See Also

Links and References

Batman 0585
DC Bullet 2024

Summary Needed

This page is missing a well-written and detailed synopsis. If there is already a synopsis here, it might need to be modified or expanded. You can help the DC Database by adding a summary of the story.
Look at how sad this is making Batman. You did this.