DC Database

Serifan was a member of the Forever People.


In a retconned version of their origins, Serifan was one of the five young earthlings selected from different points of Earth's history by Highfather to be raised in New Genesis. These group grew up as close friends and became the Forever People.[1]

In an altered continuity, Serifan was one of the five Genesisian kids selected to go through a special training to focus their minds and synchronize them with their shared Mother Box, turning them into the Infinity Man.[2]

Forever People on Earth

When Darkseid, ruler of Apokolips, began to use the Earth as a focal point in his war against New Genesis, he kidnapped Beautiful Dreamer, hoping to find the Anti-Life Equation inside her mind. With the help of Superman and the Infinity Man, The Forever People finally forced Darkseid to release her. They decided to remain on Earth for a time, to learn more about the planet and help protect it from Darkseid.[3]

Eventually, they found themselves pursued by Devilance, and were forced to use their unique ability to trade places with the superpowerful Infinity Man to save themselves. In the course of their battle, though, Devilance and Infinity Man were seemingly destroyed, leaving the Forever People trapped in the planet called Adon.[4]

Battle Against The Dark

Against Serifan's advice, Mark Moonrider and Vykin carried out an experiment that led the primitive people of Adon to the developed society of Forevertown, but the Mother Box overloaded and exploded, killing Vykin. The other Forever People moved on with their lives in Forevertown, getting married and having families. But Serifan spent his days longing for the times they were on Earth. Taking advantage of his nostalgic feeling, The Dark corrupted and used him to attack Forevertown.[5] This attack reverted time all around Adon, and the lives of the Forever People on that planet were erased from the timeline. This created a rift between him and his friends.[6]

With the help of Maya, the spirit of the Mother Box, the Forever People returned to Earth and defeated The Dark. The group of heroes learned to accept their losses and move forward, forgiving Serifan.[1]

Post-Zero Hour

The effects of the Zero Hour crisis caused some ripples in the time stream that changed the Forever People's history. In this new continuity, the Forever People never left Adon and Maya never existed. They were stranded on Adon until Highfather took the group and left them on Earth without any memories.[7]


  • New God Physiology
    • Telepathy: Serifan possesses low-yield telepathic capabilities, classifying him as a "sensitive". His ability in this area is so slight that most people do not realize that he has any powers whatsoever.


  • Mother Box
  • Cosmic Cartridges: Each cartridge is color coordinated and produces a different effect. Some cartridges emit a wave of concussive energy, while others may create a psychotropic effect in the immediate area. Still other cartridges are known to generate force fields and anti-gravity fields.


  • Although this character was originally introduced during DC's Earth-One era of publication, their existence following the events of the 1985–86 limited series Crisis on Infinite Earths remains intact. However, some elements of the character's Pre-Crisis history may have been altered or removed for Post-Crisis New Earth continuity, and should be considered apocryphal.
  • Serifan is card No. 2 in the DC Comics customizable card game (VS System) by Upper Deck Entertainment.
  • A robotic version of Serifan was once used as part of Granny Goodness' training program.[8]



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