DC Database
DC Database

"Sgt. Rock: "It's a Dirty War"": This story is reprinted from Our Army at War #228.

Sgt. Rock (Volume 2) #21 is an issue of the series Sgt. Rock (Volume 2) with a cover date of February, 1992.

Synopsis for Sgt. Rock: "It's a Dirty War"

This story is reprinted from Our Army at War #228.

Appearing in Sgt. Rock: "It's a Dirty War"



See Also

Links and References

DC Universe Christmas TP
DC Bullet 2024

Christmas Specials
This issue is Christmas themed, celebrating holiday merriment, Santa Claus, and ideally some Eggnog.
This template will automatically categorize articles that include it into the Christmas category.

Superboy Vol 4 69
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