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Shazam!: The World's Mightiest Mortal Vol. 1 is a 2019 hardcover collection of the original material created for the first eighteen issues of Shazam! (Volume 1) starring Captain Marvel and the Marvel Family. The Golden Age Fawcett Publications stories reprinted in those issues are not included in this collection. All stories in this collection were originally published from 1972 to 1975.


  • Shazam! #1: "...In the Beginning..."; "The World's Wickedest Plan"
  • Shazam! #2: "The Astonishing Arch Enemy"; "The Nicest Guy in the World"
  • Shazam! #3: "A Switch in Time"; "The Wizard of Phonograph Hill"
  • Shazam! #4: "Ibac the Cursed!"; "The Mirrors That Predicted the Future"
  • Shazam! #5: "The Man Who Wasn't"; "The World's Toughest Guy"
  • Shazam! #6: "Better Late Than Never!"; "Dexter Knox and His Electric Grandmother!"
  • Shazam! #7: "The Troubles of the Talking Tiger"; "What's in a Name? Doomsday!"
  • Shazam! #9: "Worms of the World Unite!"; "The Mystery of the Missing Newsstand!"; "The Day Captain Marvel Went Ape!"
  • Shazam! #10: "Invasion of the Salad Men!"; "The Thanksgiving Thieves!"; "The Prize Catch of the Year"
  • Shazam! #11: "The World's Mightiest Dessert!"; "The Incredible Cape-Man"; "The Year Without a Christmas!"
  • Shazam! #12: "The Golden Plague!"; "The Longest Block in the World!"; "Mighty Master of the Martial Arts!"
  • Shazam! #13: "The Case of the Charming Crook!"; "The Haunted Clubhouse!"
  • Shazam! #14: "The Evil Return of the Monster Society"
  • Shazam! #15: "Captain Marvel Meets Lex Luthor!?!": "The Man in the Paper Armor!"
  • Shazam! #16: "The Man Who Stole Justice!"; "The Green-Eyed Monster!"
  • Shazam! #17: "The Pied Un-Piper"
  • Shazam! #18: "The Celebrated Talking Frog of Blackstone Forest!"; "The Coin-Operated Caper!"


  • The all-reprint issue Shazam! #8 is only represented by its cover in this collection.
  • Includes a new introduction by Jerry Ordway.
