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"Captain Marvel: "The Man Who Stole Justice!"": At night, two helicopters approach a judicial building in Fawcett City with a heavy load… Within, respected and kind Judge Matthew Pleasant orders a criminal, Elias Skinner, to 20 years for leading children to crime, but lets his children off to en

Quote1 Attention! Do not move this statue! If the Statue of Injustice is moved by force, it will upset an underground fault -- and the city will immediately be destroyed by a terrible earthquake! Quote2
A Talking Statue that Represents Injustice

Shazam! #16 is an issue of the series Shazam! (Volume 1) with a cover date of February, 1975.

Synopsis for Captain Marvel: "The Man Who Stole Justice!"

At night, two helicopters approach a judicial building in Fawcett City with a heavy load… Within, respected and kind Judge Matthew Pleasant orders a criminal, Elias Skinner, to 20 years for leading children to crime, but lets his children off to enjoy a new life via a foster family. Outside, Prof. Gilbert Thorne, a criminal who’s been in jail for 25 years due to Judge Pleasant’s verdict. He replaces the statue of Iustitia with an evil counterpart, the Statue of Injustice (one of the Seven Deadly Enemies of Man!) and takes the good statue back to his hideout. This makes Judge Pleasant suddenly evil and starts making patently unjust rulings: first he frees an evil landlord, Henry Hamstring, who hired men to steal from his tenant, Mrs. Wavisham so she couldn’t pay her rent on time… and orders her to a year and a day in prison for not paying her rent on time. A reporter dashes out to tell this to the paper and runs into Thorne. Later, Judge Pleasant orders a man to 40 years hard labor for picking flowers in the park, orders a woman (Mrs. Redgap) to go to jail for complaining about Mr. Ruggles, a hippie playing his drums too loud at night, then throws out a case of a man stealing a police car. The next day, Billy Batson meets Freddy Freeman at his Newsstand to find that Judge Pleasant has been making horrible calls and Billy decides to look into it, but is distracted by criminals escaping in a pink sedan while cops are stuck behind a cement truck. Billy quickly calls SHAZAM to become Captain Marvel and the goons find that shooting at him yields predictable results before the World’s Mightiest Mortal pops the rear tires off their car entirely and they’re quickly arrested. Captain Marvel rides with the cops to take him before a Judge and sees the Injustice Statue, but when he goes to move it, it speaks, saying that if it is moved, it’ll cause an earthquake via an underground fault. They head inside and find that no one is quite willing to be the first case on the docket under Judge Pleasant, who is flippant about the goons stealing art from the Art Museum, but is furious that Captain Marvel has flown through a red light and orders him to 50 years hard labor. Prof. Thorne titters quietly in the gallery as to having created the Injustice Statue while in prison to “reverse” the Judge’s thoughts.

Arriving in prison, Captain Marvel proves that he can hammer the entire rock pile with a single blow, reducing his ability to do much more work. To fix things, he returns to being Billy, who is immediately released and goes back to the courthouse, finding Judge Pleasant is going to a tour of the prison compound and Billy follows. He soon recognizes Prof. Thorne and he lies that he was once a prison librarian. Billy goes to the library, pretending he’s work on a story, and soon finds Prof. Thorne’s blueprints for the Injustice Statue. He calls SHAZAM to become Captain Marvel once more and precisely throws a sledgehammer in the air to destroy the Statue. Judge Pleasant realizes his mistakes of judgment and the World’s Mightiest Mortal to punch over Prof. Throne, who is arrested as Judge Pleasant reverses his horrible decision-making, especially noting that Captain Marvel didn’t break a law; birds fly through red lights all the time and are not arrested! Later, Billy says that the Statue of Iustitia was found and returned.

Appearing in Captain Marvel: "The Man Who Stole Justice!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Judge Matthew Pleasant


  • Professor Thorne (1st Appearance in DC Comics)
    • Elias Skinner
    • Henry Hamstring
    • Mr. Ruggles
    • Unnamed Art Thieves
    • An Unnamed Police Car Thief

Other Characters:

  • Mrs. Wavisham
  • Mrs. Redgap
  • A Flower-Picking Man




Synopsis for "The Marvel Family Battles the Sneaking Doom!"

This story is reprinted from The Marvel Family #59.

Billy Batson is enjoying the last part of his lunch, a bottle of milk… only to find that it’s green! He dashes out to tell their milkman, Pete, that all the milk is green now. Heading down to his truck, Pete finds that all his milk is green and Billy calls SHAZAM to summon Captain Marvel and the World’s Mightiest Mortal finds the milk plant is producing green milk. Meanwhile, Freddy Freeman finds that the papers being delivered are incredibly heavy and cannot be lifted until he calls CAPTAIN MARVEL to become Captain Marvel, Jr. and lift all those papers. Elsewhere still, Mary Batson finds that a flower shop she’s working at smells horrible like the severest garlic odor until she calls SHAZAM to become Mary Marvel… and still flies away anyways. Regrouping together, they wonder why this is all happening. Above the Earth, the “Managers of Earth” million-year old balding men in purple robes who control respectively: Land and Solids, Sea and Liquids, and Air and Gases. The three of them continue to complain about who is “most important” among them. Liquids Manager changes their Central Control (a series of paper calendars that let them change the physics of anything) and makes all water run uphill instead of downhill. On Earth, the Marvel Family help save a riverboat from the reversing current and soon finds a nearby volcano about to erupt, which is an apparent effect of water flowing uphill. The Liquids Manager points out that these things only last an hour. Captain Marvel mentions a legend he’s heard about three “Fates” who control the Land, Sea and Air together in their Mountaintop Castle. They quickly find it and ask why they’re messing around with the very nature of the Earth itself and they admit they need to know who’s the “most important” among them. Captain Marvel says they’re equally important, but they decide this isn’t a good enough answer and go back to arguing about who’s best and that they only do these outlandish things one hour at a time, but Captain Marvel points out they’re causing untold human misery. In response, the Gases Manager alters magic lightning so they turn back into kids and quickly capture them (the air is too thin there for them to call their magic words again,) and throw them off their cliff!

After they reach a normal elevation to breathe normally, the three call SHAZAM and CAPTAIN MARVEL to become the Marvel Family again. The Managers point out that they’re not evil and they’re not going to ruin the Earth, but they also cannot be stopped even by them. The Marvel Family realize this is the case and take off, deciding to mitigate their nonsense. The Solids Manager makes rocks move, forcing Mary Marvel to stop raining boulders, a whirlwind that forces Captain Marvel, Jr. to retrieve a house from flying off and Captain Marvel stops an earthquake in a jungle area, rescuing a hermit. The Managers realize the earthquake wasn’t one of theirs, but those do happen from time to time. The Marvel Family soon find at Station WHIZ’s teletype that an Atlantic island is sinking, part of the Pacific coastline has collapsed and an Antarctic tidal wave is on its way, forcing them to split up again. Mary Marvel saves the singular lighthouse keeper and says the Fates are really ruining things, though the Liquids Manager thinks on how he didn’t cause this one… Captain Marvel, Jr. constructs a gigantic raft for people on the Pacific coast so they don’t drown and Captain Marvel, finding there’s no one there to save… but this does prove something horrible! He figures out that water flowing uphill and a whirlwind together has made the initial volcanic eruption even worse. The Marvel Family get back together and find that, according to Captain Marvel’s calculations, all of these factors together are going to alter the tilt of the Earth’s axis and will ultimately destroy the Earth!

Captain Marvel explains further that the Earth is going to literally crack in half due to gravitational stresses due to axis drift and it’s too late for them to stop it! They fly out to try their best to talk to the Manager Fates to expose their foolishness. They try to tell the Managers about what they’ve done and how the Earth will be destroyed, but the Managers unleash the magic lightning again, returning the Marvel kids into a light-air environment and the Mountaintop Castle suddenly starts to fall off its perch. A corner of their castle breaks into pieces and the Marvel kids fall out and call their magic words when they’re farther down and explain that the Earth is coming to an end! With their Mountaintop Castle falling apart, their Central Control Cards are now in complete disarray. The Managers are upset that they’ll be banished to the end of the Universe by the Superintendent of Planets and promptly start panicking. The Marvel Family decide to fix things together and push the Antarctic polar ice cap back into place, which fixes things until the Managers get their Control Cards in order. Captain Marvel has them swear to not pull this kind of thing ever again and they agree to work in friendly harmony. Later, the three broadcast on WHIZ-TV saying that cooperation is the real thing that holds the world together.

Appearing in "The Marvel Family Battles the Sneaking Doom!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • The Fates / Managers of Earth

Other Characters:

  • A Hermit
  • A Lighthouse Keeper



  • The Control Cards
  • Green Milk
  • Garlic Stench Flowers
  • Superheavy Newspapers


  • Giant Raft

Synopsis for Captain Marvel: "The Invention Miser"

This story is reprinted from Captain Marvel Adventures #103.

Billy Batson is astonished when he sees an inventor, John Thaddeus, given the bum rush out of the Gilford Pinchwood Estate. He explains that he demanded royalties for an invention he made him a year ago, but claims that Pinchwood withheld it instead of selling it like they intended. Billy decides to have Captain Marvel talk to Pinchwood about this and calls SHAZAM as Captain Marvel finds that Gilford has a people-mover for a front walk and an automated front door, a robotic arm that receives hats and coats, and a mobility chair that drives him to meet its master. Many more robotic arms offer him pleasantries on the way there. Gilford soon appears in a similar red chair and says that he doesn’t want to sell interesting new inventions: he wants to keep them all for himself so he can live in an advanced scientific mansion of the future. Using a scanning machine attached to a small speaking robot, he shows he can “read” books via audio and Captain Marvel realizes this man is an Invention Miser, denouncing that this is selfish and wrong of him to do. Gilford plesantly asks he leave and when Captain Marvel refuses, he pulls a lever and a large robotic arm pick him up to throw him out. Captain Marvel punches it and suffers through an automated hammer to the head and a miniature cannon before he punches over Gilford and says that he intends to “convince” him to share these inventions. Gilford points out he legally owns these inventions and their patents, but legally he’s not required to sell them. Captain Marvel leaves in a huff and says he’ll teach him yet and goes to consult John Thaddeus about how to do so with an interesting invention he’s got in mind...

Later, Billy Batson meets with Gilford and experiences his superior food and beverages, which Billy enjoys, and a wardrobe of fine spun-glass suits that are fireproof and never break down. He drives Billy around his yard in his Electric Flyer, a silent hovercraft, but Billy offers that he knows a better invention for him. Gilford jealously says that he’s not done yet showing off and shows off his Floating Shoes, which can be used to walk across water and then a Radar-Television that can show any spot on Earth. Billy insists what he’s seen is still better and offers when he leaves that he’ll send around the inventor to show him. Billy sends in John Thaddeus wearing a large white beard and shows off to Gilford an inventing machine that can create anything he wants, showing him a shatterproof dish that drops out of a slot. Gilford is skeptical, but when Captain Marvel rushes in and insists he not buy it, since it’s definitely a scam that won’t work, Gilford decides that he’s trying to trick him and demands to buy it, first with cash and then with tons of patents. John Thaddeus accepts, but when Gilford goes to activate the Inventing Invention, it breaks apart into pieces and Captain Marvel points out he can’t do anything since he chose to turn over all his patents to Thaddeus for the machine and now Thaddeus can return them to the inventors to sell to an open market. Later, Billy signs off saying that the Invention Miser learned his lesson.

Appearing in Captain Marvel: "The Invention Miser"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • John Thaddeus


  • Gilford Pinchwood, an "Invention Miser"

Other Characters:



  • A People-Moving Walkway
  • Automated Front Door
  • Robotic Arm Assistants
  • Automatic Book Reader
  • Future Food and Drink
  • Radar-Television
  • Mobile Chairs
  • The Inventing Invention (Destroyed)


  • Electric Flyer
  • Floating Shoes

Synopsis for Captain Marvel, Jr.: "The Lazy Genie"

This story is reprinted from Captain Marvel, Jr. #118.

Freddy Freeman heads home after a hard days’ work peddling papers and hears a horrible moaning coming from an antiques shop near Mrs. Wagner’s Boarding House. He calls CAPTAIN MARVEL to become Captain Marvel, Jr. and finds it’s being robbed by criminals led by “Slicker” Sam. He unhelpfully orders his portly goon to try shooting the Boy in Blue, which yields predictable results and get the goon punched off his feet into a large Ming vase. Slicker Sam retreats to the attic of the antique shop and picks up a random lamp, but his hands are shaking from nervousness, making him unleash… a genie! The Genie (who’s about half his height) says that he’s not that good of a Genie due to being incredibly lazy. Sam asks if he can stop Captain Marvel, Jr., but the Genie says he can’t do that and he can barely fly himself around, revealing tattered wings that don’t work well. Junior breaks through the attic door and the Genie flies him outside… only to immediately fall into a nearby tree. The Genie assures him that shutting up and being where Junior can’t see them is better than running and Junior soon loses track of him. He decides to take the other goon to the police first and come back to find Slicker later.

Later, Slicker admits that though he cheaped out on the wish, it did work out, so he’s fine with it for now. The Genie points out he didn’t say how far he wanted him to fly. Some days later, Slicker wishes for “a tray of sumptuous food from the Orient”… so the Genie gets him some chop suey from a place down the street. What’s more, he reveals that Genies can’t steal and sleeps most of the day, so he wishes for him to bring him tomorrow’s newspaper to see if he succeeds at his stick-up plan, but the Genie complains that time travel is akin to walking hundreds of miles, but he is ordered to do so, but keeps the paper so he can read the comics first. He finds that he does manage to get away with $80,000 in jewels from the Jiffy’s Jewelry Store. He decides that he’ll do this plan as the Genie rests his legs in a tub of hot water. The next morning, Freddy hears about Slicker holding up the Jiffy’s and dox his plates on the radio to track down his black sedan (which is actually purple.) Junior drops on top of his car, breaking it and then drags him out to go to jail. Slicker complains to the Genie, but he says that he must have only brought him an early edition. Slicker decides that the Genie is useless to him and orders him away, wishing to never see him again, so the Genie disappears, never to be bothered from his rest by humanity again.

Appearing in Captain Marvel, Jr.: "The Lazy Genie"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • "Slicker" Sam
    • The Lazy Genie
    • A Portly Goon

Other Characters:



  • A Genie's Lamp
  • A Ming Vase
  • A Sumptuous Chinese Meal


  • Slicker Sam's Purple Sedan

Synopsis for "The Original Captain Marvel Battles the World Hater"

This story is reprinted from The Marvel Family #53.

An evil bald man flies his plane over New York City to drop a flock of hungry vultures on New York City that begin harassing people, even getting into the studio at Station WHIZ, prompting Billy Batson to call SHAZAM and have Captain Marvel get rid of all these buzzards! He figures out that these are not animals common to New York City and flies them off to the zoo where they end up creating a new exhibit. Attached to one of their legs, Captain Marvel finds a note from the man who planned this: the World Hater, Ezra Bitterstone, a hermit who has decided that not only decided to separate from society, but has grown a deep hatred of it! Bitterstone himself lands out at a spot in the middle of the desert where he won’t have to deal with any other people. Ten years ago, Bitterstone was arrested for violently beating a man with his cane for obstructing his path, was rejected when he voices unrealistic expectations to women and is finally kicked out of town for trying to rob from widows, orphans and cripples. That day, Ezra Bitterstone turned his back on humanity and now lives in a small adobe house in the middle of nowhere and remarks how he plans on torturing everyone on Earth and has wasted his giant fortune to set off ridiculous weapons, firing off a rocket full of itching powder. Captain Marvel witnesses firsthand the strike of the irritating weapon, but finds everyone is too busy scratching to tell him much other than it came from west. Meanwhile, Bitterstone fires a soot bomb that cracks into Captain Marvel (he washes it off) and then a Tornado Bomb. Captain Marvel defuses the tornado by flying around it in reverse and soon finds Bitterstone’s compound. In order to sneak in, he calls SHAZAM to return Billy, who feigns thirstiness and begs for water, only for Bitterstone to cruelly shove him into a well to let him drown. Billy struggles to not drown while Bitterstone decides to set off his final rocket, which will poison the entire atmosphere of Earth as Billy manages to call SHAZAM and summons Captain Marvel. Bitterstone scarpers to a rocket-ship to leave the hated Earth, only for Captain Marvel to throw the rocket of his into space and tears his private rocket-ship in half. Later, Captain Marvel offers that he can enjoy being alone in solitary confinement during his life sentence.

Appearing in "The Original Captain Marvel Battles the World Hater"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Ezra Bitterstone (A world-hating hermit) (Flashback and main story) (Single appearance)
    • Hungry Buzzards

Other Characters:



  • Bitterstone's weaponized rockets (Single appearance)


  • Bitterstone's rocketship (Single appearance)

Synopsis for "The Marvel Family Battles the Monarch of Money"

This story is reprinted from The Marvel Family #29.

In the heart of the Finance Square is the secret office of Carlton Clutch, the Richest Man in the World! He gloats how he is also the most powerful man in the world and anyone who gets in his way will be crushed! Thus, he decides to start a Propaganda Machine from Station WHIZ and decides to buy out Mr. Morris! Despite this, Mr. Morris refuses to do for any price. Clutch angrily threatens that he'll ruin him and then openly tells him he intends to steal expensive television equipment en route to the new Station WHIZ Transmitter and soon calls up some “Strong-Arm Boys” to go about doing so. Mr. Morris soon tells the Marvel Family about this (this seems to imply he knows all their secret identities!) as they call SHAZAM and CAPTAIN MARVEL to become the Marvel Family! They soon head out to the noon freight train to look into this up north and find that the goons are already at work, throwing a crate off the train it's coming in on. Luckily, the World's Mightiest Family clocks them out each with one hit each and manage to catch the crate too. They ask Mr. Morris where they can actually find Carlton Clutch, but Mr. Morris points out nobody knows where he lives in his secret office. Clutch soon calls up Mr. Morris again and says he knows three more shipments of parts are coming in that he'll destroy and nobody calls the police at any time. Mr. Morris tells them the parts are coming in on a boat, a plane and a truck respective and are highly valuable. The Marvel Family splits up as Captain Marvel handles the Truck, Mary Marvel handles the Boat and Captain Marvel, Junior will get to the Plane. Arriving at the Neptune II, finding the boat is owned by Carlton Clutch, Mary Marvel orders them to unload the equipment, but they first say they were orders not to do so and then decide they'll just pick a fight with her if she insists that they're breaking the law by doing so and clocks the Captain in the chin, taking the equipment herself.
Soon, Junior finds the plane with the WHIZ order is taking off and Clutch has ordered the pilot to dump cargo while over the sea and Junior takes off to go after him. Junior just smashes in through a window and punches out two goons at once, then takes the equipment himself. Captain Marvel soon meets up to find a toll bridge that is somehow run by a private company and C. Clutch Projects who are illegally holding the truck. Instead, the World's Mightiest Mortal just takes the truck with him. Returning with the three pieces of the Transmitter, Clutch if furious, gnashing his teeth with fury. Thus, he starts with a new ideal of just bribing the Marvel Family. He sends them a small waist-high television set that works both ways and sends them a video call offering them billions of dollars, which they all coarsely refuse. Clutch, furious again, starts picking up multiple phones to pick up his phones and get him his private airport, fetch the Vault Keeper and says he'll smash Station WHIZ yet! Thus, he decides to weaponize currency and drops a few million dollars on to the roof of Station WHIZ and then a batch of leaflets telling the people of New York City that there's millions of dollars on the roof of Station WHIZ, leading to a huge rush of people that Clutch presumes will just make the entire building collapse from sheer weight! The Marvel Family soon worry that this very well could be the case and so they just move the money somewhere else, handing it out to the crowds below. Clutch, raging and sweating, decides he'll just kill the Marvel Family and calls up his Inventor. His chubby Sivana-lite inventor tells him he finished his “Earthquake Machine” after a year at work and tells him how to go about operating it.
The next day, the Marvel Family get a note from Clutch saying to meet them at the Fork Road for a “conference” the Earthquake Machine is blasted at them from the apparently door-less back of the Inventor's truck that the Machine is sitting in, creating a huge chasm under them that somehow also closes up afterwards, hoping to drive back and get this $1,000,000 prize pot for killing the World's Mightiest Family. Luckily, the Marvel Family don't need to breathe and just immediately leave being buried in the ground, following the truck to find out where this Carlton Clutch. The Inventor points out the foolishness of this gamble and gets punched out. Clutch dives into a secret chute leading to the subway to make his escape, but finds he can't get just a nickel from the ticket taker, since he only has a $1,000 on hand, which is just enough time for the Marvel Family to all punch him out together! Later, the Marvel Family find that he has a statue of Mammon, the god of wealth and greed and a big sign that says MONEY IS POWER that Mary Marvel tears down. Soon, Billy signs off by saying that Clutch basically got all his money from dirty dealings and therefore all his money is due to be returned from those he swindled and he's now penniless in prison!

Appearing in "The Marvel Family Battles the Monarch of Money"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Carlton Clutch, the Monarch of Money

Other Characters:




Synopsis for "The Original Captain Marvel Battles King Kull and the Seven Sins"

This story is reprinted from Captain Marvel Adventures #137.

Billy encounters his friends acting in uncharacteristically cruel ways, like Sterling Morris firing him to keep his salary, and Doc Quartz angrily kicking him out of the soda shop. Soon he encounters King Kull, who's throwing "sin bombs" to make everyone evil, but the villain gives him the slip. Realizing something's very wrong, he goes to Shazam's cave to ask the wizard's advice, only to realize the statues of the Seven Deadly Enemies of Man are missing. The wizard's ghost reveals King Kull used a ray to bring the Seven Evil Gods to life to establish an "Evil Olympus" and make more sin bombs. Captain Marvel tracks Kull to his temple headquarters, slips inside as Billy but gets caught. Kull decides to give him a poetic death and turn him to stone with the same ray that brought the Seven Enemies back to life. Billy bites Envy holding his mouth shut and transforms, then easily captures all eight villains, putting the Seven Deadly Enemies of Man back in Shazam's cave.

Appearing in "The Original Captain Marvel Battles King Kull and the Seven Sins"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:



  • The Seven Sins' Sin Bombs
  • King Kull's Life-Ray Gun


Synopsis for Mary Marvel the Shazam Girl: "The Green-Eyed Monster!"

Kitzel is a cat owned by Judy Lane, a vain girl who wants to be more like Mary Marvel. Her boyfriend, Tim Casey, hopes he can get a shot of Mary Marvel sometime, which makes Judy jealous. Later, there’s a party at the Lane Estate where Mary Batson shows up, only for goons to show up and demand their valuables, prompting Mary to call SHAZAM to become Mary Marvel and starts to clean house, but Judy decides she’s just as good and starts trying to get in on the action, only for one of the goons to seize her when she tries and put a gun to her head, allowing them all to escape. Mary Marvel has Tim get a shot of the license plate and soon figures out exactly where the car is going, flying off quick. Kitzel leads Tim where she’s going and hides out, but the goons spot him and order him into their hideout in a nearby cave at gunpoint as well. The goons decide to kill the witnesses by setting dynamite in the cave, but Kitzel manages to free Judy just before it goes off, getting her clear of the blast, though Tim is pinned down under the cave-in. Kitzel learns that Mary Marvel noticed that the car’s tires had dirt on them and the only area with that sort of clay would be the Palisades, which she tracks down quickly. She notices they have a new license plate on the car, but the rest of it is still dirty like she’d seen, so she stands in front of it and punches it, making it accordion against her fist. The goons try to shoot at her (as she eats the bullets) and then use a grenade (which she catches in her hand harmlessly) and the goons give up afterwards. They try to hide their attempted murder of the other kids, but Mary Marvel spots Kitzel’s green eyes in the cave and quickly removes a second stick of dynamite before it goes off, throwing it harmlessly into the air. Judy is happy that Mary Marvel saved her despite her envy and Tim is happy that Judy risked her life to save him (which technically Mary Marvel can’t do due to her invulnerability.) Judy says she’s done being envious and the only green-eyed monster around is Kitzel. Kitzel is mildly offended, but Mr. Tawny approaches her to say that human language has more nuances than animal language.

Appearing in Mary Marvel the Shazam Girl: "The Green-Eyed Monster!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Judy Lane
    • Tim Casey
    • Kitzel


  • Lank
    • Blast
    • A Third Goon

Other Characters:



  • Dynamite


  • The Goons' Car (Destroyed)



See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
