DC Database

Quote1 How do you know when you've become a super-hero and not a crazy fetish person with a death wish? Quote2
The Whip src

Shelly Gaynor is the second Whip. She is the granddaughter of the original and was a member of the ill-fated incarnation of the Seven Soldiers of Victory.

Popular column writer Shelly Gaynor found out her grandfather was a masked vigilante named the Whip. She revived the trademark and donned a costume mainly to write about her experiences in her blog. She even published a book about it. However, it wasn't enough - she wanted to experience being on a superhero team. Her grandfather never was, so when the veteran hero Vigilante posted an ad for new team members, she took the opportunity.

Vigilante had rounded up a posse of minor heroes to take to the Miracle Mesa in the Arizona desert, what locals called the Hunting Ground of the Gods. He had multiple battles with strange spiders here in the past that came from another plane and only entered once in several decades. They easily took out a spider, but discovered it was actually a Sheeda machine. The Gods that hunted here had super-heroes as their prey. With these seven taking the bait, Neh-Buh-Loh the Huntsman appeared and killed them all.[1]




Seven Soldiers II 01
Seven Soldiers of Victory member
DC Bullet 2024

This character is or was a member of the Seven Soldiers of Victory, or the Seven Soldiers in any of its various incarnations, created during World War II and later, it returned to battle time-traveling, dimension-spanning mysteries and monsters.
This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Seven Soldiers of Victory members" category.
