DC Database

"Beware the Creeper!: "The Coming of the Creeper"": Jack Ryder, former TV host turned network security investigator, is assigned to investigate the case of Professor Yatz, a scientist captured by criminals and about to be turned over to Communist spies for shipping back to the Soviet Union. Sin

Quote1 The world has more than its share of troublemakers, tormentors and terrorists! And perhaps not quite enough forces of courage, strength and justice to combat them. But now -- a new force against evil is about to make its presence felt. A unique power, embodied in a remarkable character, and dedicated to the defeat of the destroyers. A man thrust accidentally into a dynamic destiny -- and who accepts the explosive challenge. For it is he who will defy those destroyers, and make them Beware the Creeper!!! Quote2

Showcase #73 is an issue of the series Showcase (Volume 1) with a cover date of March, 1968. It was published on January 23, 1968.

Synopsis for Beware the Creeper!: "The Coming of the Creeper"

Jack Ryder, former TV host turned network security investigator, is assigned to investigate the case of Professor Yatz, a scientist captured by criminals and about to be turned over to Communist spies for shipping back to the Soviet Union. Since the place where Yatz is being held is throwing a costume party, Ryder buys a costume made of odds and ends, including a green wig and a red sheepskin "cape." He finds Yatz, but not before getting cut in the stomach by a knife. Yatz heals his wound with a special formula of his devising, and plants in the wound an activator, whose mate the costumed Ryder has in his hand. The activator allows Ryder the ability to dematerialize or rematerialize his costume at the twist of a dial. The professor's formula also energizes him physically. Yatz is shot dead, but Ryder, in costume, defeats the hoods and spies. In the process, he is branded falsely as a crook, and becomes wanted by both the police and underworld under the name of "the Creeper".

Appearing in Beware the Creeper!: "The Coming of the Creeper"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Bill Brane (First appearance)


  • Angel Devlin (Single appearance)
  • Vince (Single appearance)
  • Charley (Single appearance)
  • Major Smej (Single appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Professor Yatz (First appearance) (Dies)
  • Dr. Clayton Wetley (First appearance)
  • Pete (Single appearance)
  • Mr. Pell (Single appearance)



  • Secret Serum



  • The Alfred Hitchcock film Notorious (1946) appears to have a degree of influence on the plot. Both the movie and the comic have a scene where spies pass crucial information to each other at a fancy dress ball. The story's villain Angel Devlin, while presented as a visual pun on "angel and devil," shares his surname with Hitchcock's hero TR Devlin, played by Cary Grant.

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
