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"I Tread a Lurching Timber World": The Dogwelder watches his ex-wife and children through their windows as their step-father gives them presents and despite an argument after he suggests a puppy for the children the two seem content. Inside Noonan's Bar [[Sidn

Quote1 (Hic) Section Eight are the real deal, man! We're up there with the big boys! All we need is a chance to ******' prove it...! Quote2

Sixpack and Dogwelder: Hard-Travelin' Heroz #1 is an issue of the series Sixpack and Dogwelder: Hard-Travelin' Heroz (Volume 1) with a cover date of October, 2016. It was published on August 24, 2016.

Synopsis for "I Tread a Lurching Timber World"

The Dogwelder watches his ex-wife and children through their windows as their step-father gives them presents and despite an argument after he suggests a puppy for the children the two seem content. Inside Noonan's Bar Sixpack announces his desire to lead his team out into real super-heroics when Hacken points out all of the team's misdeeds.

Across from Hacken and Sidney are a table of a sultry Catwoman, a space-crazy Starfire and a female empowering Power Girl who is instructing Guts on how to take care of her and her boyfriend. Outside, Dogwelder watches a small silver speck fly across the skies and he begins to follow it.

Eventually Bueno Excellente returns and the super-girls leave in a huff, outside the sky swirls and pulses green though Power Girl resorts to letting someone else handle it. Across town Dogwelder finds the man who flew down, a heavily accented smoker who promises to unveil the secrets of Dogwelder.

Inside Noonan's Sidney sits the team down for a berating when a crowd gathers at the window and outside they find the Spectre leering down at the team vowing to have wreak his ire upon the sinner.

Appearing in "I Tread a Lurching Timber World"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




  • Uber (Mentioned only)

See Also

Links and References
