Skr'kl was a Krz'zak, an ant-like creature from an undisclosed planet.
The Krz'zaks had a strict and somewhat boring society; their days were passed marching in a single file from tree to tree, to harvest the squishberries. They generally did not like the other inhabitants of the planet - whom they dubbed "flyers" for their wings, but heard tragic tales of the Air-clinger of Doom from them. This mysterious creature that lived above the green canopy would trap the unwary and unwise that attempted to break free of their forest, suck them dry and throw them back to Earth.
One of the Krz'zak had been given a Green Lantern Ring, and used it to fly to the higher trees to cut off squishberries. The other Krz'zak were at first surprised at a wingless flyer, and then annoyed because Skr'kl threw all the squishberries on their heads. So Skr'kl decided to fight crime instead, by taking out the Air-clinger. He flew up to the canopy, overconfident, but was trapped in a yellow web. He was quickly eaten by the Air-clinger, a giant yellow spider, and his body was cast down.
The Guardians never selected Krz'zaks again. Despite Skr'kl's short service, he was memorialized in the Crypts of the Green Lantern Corps.[1] He later was seen resurrected as a Black Lantern during the Blackest Night.[2]
Powers and Abilities
- In Skr'kl original story, "The Trouble With Yellow", Skr'kl's tale is told by Reemuz, and revealed to be fictional at the end. However, Skr'kl is mentioned among the fallen lanterns in Green Lantern/Sinestro Corps Secret Files and Origins #1 and he appeared as a Black Lantern in Blackest Night #1.
- Appearances of Skr'kl (New Earth)
- Images featuring Skr'kl (New Earth)
- Quotations by or about Skr'kl (New Earth)
- Character Gallery: Skr'kl (New Earth)
Green Lantern Corps member |
Black Lantern Corps member |