Slovekia was an Eastern European nation that was conquered by Lord Havok and his forces; its ruling imperial family were personally killed by Havok.
The rest of the Extremists took their new residence in the conquered nation. Americommando had petitioned the International Community Council to declare war on Havok's possession of Slovekia, but without any success.[1][2]
When Monarch offered Havok and the Extremists a position in his army, which Havok flatly refused, he made an alliance with Americommando, against the Extremists, and had the group's points of interest being destroyed and laid its blame on them, allowing the International Community to support the United States of Angor in its war on Slovekia.[2] Eventually Slovekia was breached by Monarch and his forces, and the Meta Militia stormed the capital palace. Monarch's forces and the Meta Militia were ultimately slaughtered, when Lord Havok tricked them into entering a Negation Room that he had built, which specifically nullified their powers, except for him and the Extremists.[3] After this, Havok and the Extremists joined Monarch's side, in the war against the Monitors, the current situation in Slovekia remains unknown.
- Slovekia is maybe a passing analogue to Marvel Comics' Latveria. The name 'Slovekia' is almost identical to the real life country Slovakia in Central Europe, similarly to how 'Latveria' is almost identical to Latvia.
See Also
- Appearances of Slovekia
- Location Gallery: Slovekia
- Catalogued images related to Slovekia