Son of Ambush Bug (Volume 1) with a cover date of September, 1986.
Synopsis for "Who Put the 'Pop' in Poppycock?"
Bunny, a buxom female used to boost sales, introduces the Bug. Meanwhile in the desert, a secret organization has duplicated Ambush Bug's teleportation technology and tests out their reproduction, however each tester ends up going missing frustrating the men behind the project. Meanwhile, in Japan, Ambush Bug tries to seek the aid of the Cleaver only to find that the Cleaver has committed seppuku. Traveling else where he seeks the other members of the Uh-Oh! Squad as the project continues to perfect his teleportation technology.
Each member of the Uh-Oh! Squad meets an untimely demise, and the Interferer changes the men at the project into elves. To make matters worse, one of Argh!yle's sock minions has taken over one of the men in the project and uses his connections to take possession of one of the Ambush Bug costumes and decides to use Operation: Big Boot for his own ends, much to the anger of Argh!yle.
While back in World War II, Cheeks happens to be on site of the dropping of a nuclear warhead on Hiroshima. Back in the present, Ambush Bug begins to wonder how he will stop the Interferer. Speaking of whom, deciding that he is having plenty of fun, the Interferer travels to Earth to have a more direct effect on reality, bending it to his whims.
The Ambush Bug creative team members introduce themselves with some wearing wrestling masks and then end with closing words from Bunny.
Appearing in "Who Put the 'Pop' in Poppycock?"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Argh!yle
- Sk-422
- E.L.F. (Single appearance)
- Dell
- Fred (Dies)
- Jim (Dies)
- Perry
- Pete (Dies)
- Interferer
- Villian the Villain (Single appearance)
Other Characters:
- Boris Bozak (Single appearance)
- Bunny (First appearance)
- Chek Trowsers aka Capitano Iguana (First appearance)
- Gray Planter (First appearance)
- Ronnie (Single appearance)
- Uh-Oh Squad
- The Cleaver (Dies)
- Blotto (Dies)
- Ms. Mohawk (Dies)
See Also