DC Database

"Walking Papers": Ambush Bug has been found guilty of Contempt for Comics and has been banished to limbo and fired by DC Comics. As Ambush Bug tries to get used to his limbotic surroundings, Mitsu-Bishi entertains the reader with his rendition of the Hokey-Pokey and Peabody, Decker and Pending d

Son of Ambush Bug #6 is an issue of the series Son of Ambush Bug (Volume 1) with a cover date of December, 1986.

Synopsis for "Walking Papers"

Ambush Bug has been found guilty of Contempt for Comics and has been banished to limbo and fired by DC Comics. As Ambush Bug tries to get used to his limbotic surroundings, Mitsu-Bishi entertains the reader with his rendition of the Hokey-Pokey and Peabody, Decker and Pending do a retrospective of Ambush Bug's career in comic books, including his apparent golden age appearance in Zonky Comics #1.

With a segue giving past Ambush Bug supporting cast members a final word on Ambush Bug and a walk through of the creative process behind Ambush Bug, the Interferer decides to find another comic book to change around to match his whims. However, this proves to be his undoing as he ends up in the final issue of the Omega Men, which has been cancelled.

After one final adventure with Mitsu-Bishi, Ambush Bug uses a pencil stub to draw an exit from limbo and he is escorted from the DC universe. Leaving his Ambush Bug costume behind, Ambush Bug boards a train and finds Cheeks waiting for him, back from World War II a decorated hero. The two ride off into the sunset (with pencilling assists from Keith's son once more) and then crash and apparently burn to death, thus ending the series Son of Ambush Bug.

Appearing in "Walking Papers"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




See Also

Links and References
