DC Database

"Sea Cruise": An insurance company asks The Spirit to investigate a woman involved in an insurance scam. He goes on a cruise to follow her and discovers that she pays men to steal her "fake" jewelery, so she can claim the insurance money later. He also stumbles upon

Quote1 Home Ebony! I have to pack my spare hat! Then, tomorrow morning, I need you to drive me to the pier! I'm taking an ocean voyage! Quote2
The Spirit

Spirit #17 is an issue of the series Spirit (Volume 1) with a cover date of July, 2008.

Synopsis for "Sea Cruise"

An insurance company asks The Spirit to investigate a woman involved in an insurance scam. He goes on a cruise to follow her and discovers that she pays men to steal her "fake" jewelery, so she can claim the insurance money later. He also stumbles upon another crime. When a couple toss a man overboard, they hope to claim a life insurance policy. The Spirit realizes that the husband is still alive and in disguise.

Appearing in "Sea Cruise"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Ellen Dolan


  • Mrs. Edna Otis
  • The Conrad Brothers
  • Mr. and Mrs. William Harold Dupree

Other Characters:

  • Commissioner Dolan
  • Ebony White
  • Cindy Morgan
  • Lori Fiedler
  • Nelson Purvis (Dies)
  • Mr. Argosy
  • Mrs. Cathcart




  • Caribbean Quest (Cruise Ship)


See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
