DC Database

"Unknown Soldier: "The Cure"": The Italian campaign is being stricken by a new strain of typhus. Allied researchers have recently developed an effective counter-serum and began an emergency airlift; however, the plane carrying the serum is shot down near the Nazi-held village of Palena. The Unkn

Star-Spangled War Stories #202 is an issue of the series Star-Spangled War Stories (Volume 1) with a cover date of November, 1976. It was published on July 5, 1976.

Synopsis for Unknown Soldier: "The Cure"

The Italian campaign is being stricken by a new strain of typhus. Allied researchers have recently developed an effective counter-serum and began an emergency airlift; however, the plane carrying the serum is shot down near the Nazi-held village of Palena. The Unknown Soldier is sent to Italy to recover the serum.

The Soldier disguise himself as an old poor farmer. But he is stopped and accost by two German soldiers, forcing him to kill them with a hidden hand grenade. The Soldier, also wounded from the grenade's explosion, takes on a new disguise from one of the dead Germans, Sgt. Kurt Hofner. A German patrol finds the wounded Soldier and takes him into Palena's hospital. There, he learns that the town's physician, Dr. Keno Rosa, is forced to take care of German soldiers over the other patients, which three of them (including Rosa's wife) died from the epidemic.

After being bandaged up, the Soldier reports to the German commander, Major Gretsch, who decide to post "Hofner" on a lesser hazardous duty in the village. The Soldier soon finds out that Palena has become increasingly restive from both the German occupation and typhus and on several occasions the villagers have tried to attack the occupiers. The Soldier takes advantage of the unrest by sabotaging the village's fuel depot to cause a distraction in order to find the serum. He infiltrate Gretsch's office but only to be caught by Gretsch himself and his men.

Gretsch had already looked through the Soldier's ruse and demand that he turn over the serum. Very confused, the Soldier states that Gretsch has it. But Gretsch explains that the serum vials were gone from their containers when the Germans reached the downed plane and someone had gotten there before them. Presumably the villagers are to be likely responsible. Gretsch still believes that "Hofner" have the serum and decide to making him talk by any means necessary. The Soldier makes a harrowing escape.

The Soldier confronts Dr. Rosa and accusing him for possessing the serum. But Dr. Rosa's nurse Luciana points a pistol at the Soldier and explaining that she is responsible for founding the serum and administrated it to Dr. Rosa's patients without the doctor's knowledge in small doses without arousing any suspicions. Major Gretsch suddenly barges in and demanding for the serum to cure his men. A stand off ensues and causing Dr. Rosa to beg everyone to stop, stating the absurdity of trying to kill each other in order to save lives. Dr. Rosa suddenly collapse. With everyone paying attention to the doctor, the Soldier takes the opportunity to fatally break Gretsch's neck with a crutch. Dr. Rosa is dead, having been infected with typhus. The Soldier takes the remaining serum vials and quietly leave the village.

Appearing in Unknown Soldier: "The Cure"

Featured Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Dr. Rickenbacker (Single appearance)
  • Dr. Keno Rosa (Single appearance; dies)
  • Luciana (Single appearance)
  • Giacomo (Single appearance; dies)
  • Maria (Single appearance)



  • Anti-typhus serum

See Also

Links and References
